wptexturize_primes( string $haystack, string $needle, string $prime, string $open_quote, string $close_quote )
Implements a logic tree to determine whether or not “7′.” represents seven feet, then converts the special char into either a prime char or a closing quote char.
Description Description
Parameters Parameters
- $haystack
(string) (Required) The plain text to be searched.
- $needle
(string) (Required) The character to search for such as ' or ".
- $prime
(string) (Required) The prime char to use for replacement.
- $open_quote
(string) (Required) The opening quote char. Opening quote replacement must be accomplished already.
- $close_quote
(string) (Required) The closing quote char to use for replacement.
Return Return
(string) The $haystack value after primes and quotes replacements.
Source Source
File: wp-includes/formatting.php
331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 | function wptexturize_primes( $haystack , $needle , $prime , $open_quote , $close_quote ) { $spaces = wp_spaces_regexp(); $flag = '<!--wp-prime-or-quote-->' ; $quote_pattern = "/$needle(?=\\Z|[.,:;!?)}\\-\\]]|>|" . $spaces . ')/' ; $prime_pattern = "/(?<=\\d)$needle/" ; $flag_after_digit = "/(?<=\\d)$flag/" ; $flag_no_digit = "/(?<!\\d)$flag/" ; $sentences = explode ( $open_quote , $haystack ); foreach ( $sentences as $key => & $sentence ) { if ( false === strpos ( $sentence , $needle ) ) { continue ; } elseif ( 0 !== $key && 0 === substr_count( $sentence , $close_quote ) ) { $sentence = preg_replace( $quote_pattern , $flag , $sentence , -1, $count ); if ( $count > 1 ) { // This sentence appears to have multiple closing quotes. Attempt Vulcan logic. $sentence = preg_replace( $flag_no_digit , $close_quote , $sentence , -1, $count2 ); if ( 0 === $count2 ) { // Try looking for a quote followed by a period. $count2 = substr_count( $sentence , "$flag." ); if ( $count2 > 0 ) { // Assume the rightmost quote-period match is the end of quotation. $pos = strrpos ( $sentence , "$flag." ); } else { // When all else fails, make the rightmost candidate a closing quote. // This is most likely to be problematic in the context of bug #18549. $pos = strrpos ( $sentence , $flag ); } $sentence = substr_replace( $sentence , $close_quote , $pos , strlen ( $flag ) ); } // Use conventional replacement on any remaining primes and quotes. $sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern , $prime , $sentence ); $sentence = preg_replace( $flag_after_digit , $prime , $sentence ); $sentence = str_replace ( $flag , $close_quote , $sentence ); } elseif ( 1 == $count ) { // Found only one closing quote candidate, so give it priority over primes. $sentence = str_replace ( $flag , $close_quote , $sentence ); $sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern , $prime , $sentence ); } else { // No closing quotes found. Just run primes pattern. $sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern , $prime , $sentence ); } } else { $sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern , $prime , $sentence ); $sentence = preg_replace( $quote_pattern , $close_quote , $sentence ); } if ( '"' == $needle && false !== strpos ( $sentence , '"' ) ) { $sentence = str_replace ( '"' , $close_quote , $sentence ); } } return implode( $open_quote , $sentences ); } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.3.0 | Introduced. |