Method: Render a JS template for the content of the media control.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-media-control.php:132
Method: Render a JS template for the content of the media control.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-media-control.php:132
Method: Constructor.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-media-control.php:52
Function: Clear existing update caches for plugins, themes, and core.
Source: wp-includes/update.php:791
Method: Set up global post data.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-query.php:4147
Method: Identify an existing table alias that is compatible with the current query clause.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:706
Filter Hook: Filters the table alias identified as compatible with the current clause.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:749
Method: Generate SQL JOIN and WHERE clauses for a first-order query clause.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:486
Method: Ensure the ‘meta_query’ argument passed to the class constructor is well-formed.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:153
Method: Determine whether a query clause is first-order.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:221
Method: Generate SQL clauses to be appended to a main query.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:367
Method: Generate SQL clauses for a single query array.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-meta-query.php:400
Method: Register a customize control type.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php:4022
Method: Render JS templates for all registered control types.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php:4031
Method: Render a JS template for the content of the upload control.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:739
Method: Enqueue control related scripts/styles.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-background-image-control.php:44
Method: Constructor.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:656
Method: Render a JS template for the content of the color picker control.
Source: wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-color-control.php:90
Method: Render the control’s JS template.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:671
Method: An Underscore (JS) template for this control’s content (but not its container).
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:689
Method: Get the data to export to the client via JSON.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:330
Method: Get the control’s content for insertion into the Customizer pane.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php:373
Action Hook: Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::preview() method is called for settings not handled as theme_mods or options.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-setting.php:396
Method: Render the panel UI in a subclass.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-panel.php:299
Filter Hook: Filters response of WP_Customize_Panel::active().
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-panel.php:182
Method: Default callback used when invoking WP_Customize_Panel::active().
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-panel.php:197
Method: Gather the parameters passed to client JavaScript via JSON.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-panel.php:208
Method: Get the panel’s content template for insertion into the Customizer pane.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-panel.php:245
Method: Check whether panel is active to current Customizer preview.
Source: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-panel.php:170
Filter Hook: Filters the HTML script tag of an enqueued script.
Source: wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php:364
Filter Hook: Filters the comment reply link arguments.
Source: wp-includes/comment-template.php:1671