XSLT 2.0

Although XSLT 2.0 is not natively supported in Firefox, it is possible via Saxon-B (Java) or, more recently, Saxon-CE (JavaScript) to perform XSLT 2.0.  

For users


No extensions are required, Saxon-CE runs whenever a HTML page is loaded that links to the Saxon-CE JavaScript library.


The XSL Results extension uses the new incarnation of LiveConnect (handled by Java 1.6v12+ instead of Mozilla-specific code) to connect with the Java-based Saxon-B library, and adds support for having XSLT performed automatically when visiting a page with the appropriate XSLT processing instruction (and which isn't processed by Firefox's own XSLT 1.0 processor).

For developers


A JavaScript API is provided for initiating an XSLT 2.0 transform from a web page. Error and diagnostics output from Saxon-CE can be reviewed in the Firefox developer console or in Firebug.


The extension demonstrates how one can use LiveConnect code to communicate with the Saxon-B library, but one might find the JavaScript code module approach used inside the extension XqUSEme as a more reusable approach.

The code does not currently work on the Mac (except for server edition supporting Java 1.6) due to its lagging Java support (and thus LiveConnect support).

Document Tags and Contributors

Contributors to this page: SphinxKnight, teoli, nsa, Brettz9, Zearin, Fredchat, Sheppy
Last updated by: SphinxKnight,