
From Xojo Documentation

Class (inherits from Object)

Contains properties, methods, and events for managing desktop applications.

Activate Deactivate Open
AppearanceChanged EnableMenuItems OpenDocument
CancelClose HandleAppleEvent UnhandledException
Close NewDocument
AcceptFileTypes fa-lock-32.png Description fa-lock-32.png MouseCursor
AllowAutoQuit DockItem NonReleaseVersion fa-lock-32.png
AllowDarkMode fa-lock-32.png ExecutableFile fa-lock-32.png RegionCode fa-lock-32.png
AllowHiDPI fa-lock-32.png LastWindowIndex fa-lock-32.png StageCode fa-lock-32.png
BugVersion fa-lock-32.png MDIWindow Version fa-lock-32.png
BuildDateTime fa-lock-32.png MajorVersion fa-lock-32.png WindowCount fa-lock-32.png
Copyright fa-lock-32.png MenuBar
CurrentThread fa-lock-32.png MinorVersion fa-lock-32.png
AddTrayItem OpenDocument SleepCurrentThread
DoEvents RefreshMenuBar Window
HideTooltip RemoveTrayItem YieldToNextThread
NewDocument ShowTooltip

Class Constants

The following class constants can be used to specify the value of the StageCode property.

Constant Value
Development 0
Alpha 1
Beta 2
Final 3


For web apps, refer to WebApplication. For console apps, refer to ConsoleApplication. For iOS apps, refer to iOSApplication.

A subclass of Application (called App) is automatically added when you create a new Desktop project. This new subclass gives you access to the Application class methods and events.

The App subclass has its own menu handlers which can be used to handle menu items when no windows are open or for menu items that should call the same menu handler regardless of which window is frontmost. You can change the global menubar by assigning a different menubar to its MenuBar property.

See the Control class for information on changing the cursor and adding cursors to your project.

The App function returns a reference to an instance of the subclass of Application in your project. See the App function for more information.

Adding Additional Application Subclasses

If you wish, you can add additional subclasses based on the Application class to the project, but it is not necessary. If you do so, the one that is added to the project automatically is the one referred to by the App function and it is the one that will show the project’s build settings.

Version Information

If AutoIncrementVersionInformation is checked (a design-time property) then the NonReleaseVersion property is increased by one each time you do a build (but not when you run the project).

The compiler truncates version information when building Windows applications when the version information is too long to store into the executable file. The current byte limitations for these fields are as follows:

Field Maximum length (bytes)
Long Version 79
Short Version 39
Package Info 253
Region 21
Release 11

Sample Code

The following code in the Action event of a PushButton causes an OutofBoundsException runtime error when the counter, i, reaches the value of FontCount.

For i As Integer = 1 To FontCount

Since there is no exception handler within the method, the runtime exception is passed up to the Application class, triggering the UnhandledException event.

This code in the UnhandledException event of the App class "catches" the unhandled OutOfBoundsException. Of course, it catches all unhandled OutOfBoundsExceptions throughout the application, so it doesn't know where the error occurred. You could instead place an Exception statement within the PushButton's Action event so that you can provide more specific diagnostics.

Function UnhandledException(error As RuntimeException) As Boolean
If error IsA OutOfBoundsException Then
MessageBox("An OutOfBounds Exception error has occurred!")
End If
Return True
End Function

See Also

App, System, objects; AppleEvent, ConsoleApplication, MDIWindow, ServiceApplication, WebApplication, iOSApplication classes.