
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As Boolean )
aCanvas.Transparent = newBooleanValue
BooleanValue = aCanvas.Transparent

Supported for all project types and targets.

If True, the background color shows through to the Canvas; if False, the Canvas is opaque. The default is True. On Mac the Canvas is always transparent so this property is ignored.


Canvases by default are transparent controls, which means the background color shows through. The Transparent property can be set (at design time or runtime) to turn this off/on as needed. An opaque Canvas flickers less on Windows and on Linux child controls on Canvases are clipped properly. On Mac, the Canvas is always transparent.


Controls placed behind a Canvas, regardless of the Transparent setting, will not be visible through the Canvas.

Sample Code

This code turns Transparent off:

Me.Transparent = False