
From Xojo Documentation

Read-Only Property (As Integer )
IntegerValue = aConsoleApplication.NonReleaseVersion

Supported for all project types and targets.

The NonRelease version of the ConsoleApplication, corresponding to the version information. Sometimes referred to as the build number. This can only be set in the IDE, but you can read the value in your code.


Typically version numbers are written as (MajorVersion.MinorVersion.BugVersion.NonReleaseVersion).

If AutoIncrementVersionInformation is checked, the IDE increases NonReleaseVersion by one each time you build your project, but not when you run it.


Puts all the individual versions together to create the full version:

Var fullVersion As String
fullVersion = Str(MajorVersion) + "." + Str(MinorVersion) + "." _
+ Str(BugVersion) + "." + Str(NonReleaseVersion)

See Also
