
From Xojo Documentation


Crypto.RSADecrypt(Data As MemoryBlock, PrivateKey As String) As MemoryBlock

New in 2013r4

Supported for all project types and targets.

Decrypts data using the specified key, which is either a private or public key.

Sample Code

Decrypt a message:

Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String

If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair( 1024, privateKey, publicKey ) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated

Const kMessage = "this is a test"

Var msg As New MemoryBlock(14)
msg.StringValue(0, 14) = kMessage

// Encrypt msg using the publicKey
Var encryptedData As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSAEncrypt( msg, publicKey )

If encryptedData <> Nil Then
MessageBox("Successfully encrypted.")

// Now decrypt
Var decryptedData As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSADecrypt( encryptedData, privateKey )
MessageBox("DecryptedData=" + decryptedData.StringValue(0, 14))
End If
End If