
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As Picture )
aDatabaseField.PictureValue(Format as String=Picture.FormatPNG,quality as Integer= Picture.QualityDefault) = newPictureValue
PictureValue = aDatabaseField.PictureValue(Format as String=Picture.FormatPNG,quality as Integer= Picture.QualityDefault)

New in 2011r2

Supported for all project types and targets.

Gets or sets the PictureValue using the specified picture format.

Property (As Picture )
aDatabaseField.PictureValue = newPictureValue
PictureValue = aDatabaseField.PictureValue

New in 2011r2

Supported for all project types and targets.

Gets or sets the PictureValue.


For most databases you will want to use the NativeValue property instead.

For situations where you need to set a database column to NULL, you should use the Value property like this:

rs.Field("MyColumn").Value = Nil // sets to NULL in the database

Sample Code

Get the picture value of a column in a RecordSet:

// rs is a RecordSet with a picture column called "ProductImage"
Dim productImage As Picture
productImage = rs.Field("ProductImage").PictureValue

Set the picture value of a column in a RecordSet:

// rs is a RecordSet with a picture column called "ProductImage":
rs.Field("ProductImage").PictureValue = Canvas1.Backdrop

Get the picture value of a column in a RecordSet, converting it to JPEG:

// rs is a RecordSet with a picture column called "ProductImage"
Dim productImage As Picture
productImage = rs.Field("ProductImage").PictureValue(Picture.FormatJPEG)