
From Xojo Documentation

Read-Only Property (As Object )

ObjectValue = aDragItem.Destination

Supported for all project types and targets.

The location of the dropped item when you drop it to the desktop or onto an application. The dragItem must contain some content that the Finder accepts.


Since Destination is of type Object, it potentially can return any type of Xojo object. Currently, Destination is set up to work only with the macOS Finder and will only return a FolderItem. To ensure that your application is compatible with future versions, check the type of object it returns with IsA before recasting it to a FolderItem.

On Windows and Linux, dragging items to the Desktop is not supported; therefore this property does not work on those platforms.

Sample Code

This code uses the Destination property to report the NativePath of a folder that is created by dragging a label from a window to the Finder:

Var di As DragItem
Var f As FolderItem
Var d As Date
Var tos As TextoutputStream

d = New Date
f = SpecialFolder.Temporary.Child("test" + Format(d.TotalSeconds, "#"))
If f <> Nil Then
tos = TextOutputStream.Create(f)
tos.Write("Howdy! Created by DragToFinder example.")

di = New DragItem(Self, 0, 0, 100, 100)
di.FolderItem = f
If di.Destination <> Nil Then
If di.Destination IsA FolderItem Then
End If
End If
MessageBox("Unable to get FolderItem for temporary file.")
End If