
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As Picture )
aDragItem.DragPicture = newPictureValue
PictureValue = aDragItem.DragPicture

New in 2011r1

Supported for all project types and targets.

If you assign an image to this property, the picture will be used for the drag instead of the default rectangle. The image will be placed at the top left of the rectangle passed into the DragItem constructor.


It is only possible to change the DragPicture before calling Drag(), any attempt to do so after that point will fail.

Sample Code

This code sets the DragPicture property just after creating the new DragItem.

Var d As DragItem
d = New DragItem(Self, X, Y, Me.Width, Me.Height)
d.DragPicture = MyPicture // a picture/image added to the project
d.Picture = Me.Image
d.Drag // Allow the drag