
From Xojo Documentation

Shared Method

Integer.FromString(value As String, Optional locale As Locale) As Integer

New in 2019r2

Converts a string form of a decimal number to an Integer. Specify a locale to convert thousands separator.


If no locale is specified, then Locale.Raw is used.


  • InvalidArgumentException when value contains anything other than an integer (including when it is empty). Use Parse if you need to parse text that might contain non-numeric data or might be empty.

Sample Code

Convert a number in text to an integer:

Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromString("42") // value = 42

This code converts a number using the US locale:

Var locale As New Locale("en-US")
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromString("1,234", locale) // value = 1234

You can also use an exception to catch invalid data:

// Exception raised for invalid text, so you can handle your own
// special cases.
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromString("123ABC")
Catch e As BadDataException
value1 = -1 // if data is invalid, just use -1
End Try