
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As Single )
a<see below>.TextSize = newSingleValue
SingleValue = a<see below>.TextSize

Supported for all project types and targets.

Size of the font used to display the caption or text content of a Control.


If you enter zero as the TextSize, your app will use the font size that works best for the platform on which the application is running.

Before version 2009r4, TextSize used to be an Integer instead of a Single value.

Controls implementing the TextSize property

BevelButton Changed in 2009r4
Checkbox Changed in 2009r4
Graphics Changed in 2009r4
GroupBox Changed in 2009r4
Label Changed in 2009r4
ListBox Changed in 2009r4
PopupMenu Changed in 2009r4
PushButton Changed in 2009r4
RadioButton Changed in 2009r4
TextEdit Changed in 2009r4
TabPanel Changed in 2009r4

Sample Code

This code sets the fontsize to 16 points:

Me.TextSize = 16

See Also

ReportField.TextSize, StringShape.TextSize properties