
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As String )
aListBox.ColumnWidths = newStringValue
StringValue = aListBox.ColumnWidths

Supported for all project types and targets.

A list of comma-separated values, with each value controlling the width of the associated column. A value can be an absolute value (in points), a percentage, a relative length expressed as i* where i is an integer, or an "*" that indicates "fill in the remaining width." If you use percentages, you can use non-integer values to specify fractions of a percent, e.g., 43.52%. The percentage value can be greater than 100%.


If you use points, the last column doesn't grow to the size of the rest of the ListBox. You should set the width of the last column to "*" and it will automatically take up the remaining width of the ListBox.

Without any column width specifications, the headers will be divided evenly. If there are fewer column widths specified than the total number of columns, the remaining columns will divide up the remaining width equally.

An element with a length of "3*" will be allotted three times the space of an element with length "1*". The value "*" is equivalent to "1*" and can be used to mean "fill the remaining space."

Use the following class constants to set the ColumnType:

Value Class Constant Description
0 TypeDefault Default column, same as column type
1 TypeNormal Normal column, not editable
2 TypeCheckBox Add Checkbox
3 TypeEditable Inline editable column

You can use a mixture of points, percentages, and relative lengths. Column widths specified in pixels are guaranteed to have the specified width. Column widths specified in percentages are guaranteed to have that percentage of the visible width of the ListBox. The column widths specified using the * divide up the remaining width proportionally. For example, if there are four columns, the specification 20, 20%, *, 2* gives 20 points to the first column 20% of the total to the second column, and the last two columns divide up the remaining width in the ratio of 1:2, with the last column getting any remaining fractional pixels.

Unrecognized or unsupported expressions (e.g. '2@')for the column width properties will result in an UnsupportedFormatException. The message of this exception describes in English what went wrong.

Resizing a column will resize the value of the expression. If you resize the ListBox, both the percentage and relative lengths recompute their actual widths. There are two resizing "modes"; see notes.

Header End caps are added for any additional unused space if headers are used. Header end caps do nothing when clicked.

Sample Code

Adding a column to ListBox1 and setting the widths of the columns to 50 and 65 points, respectively:

ListBox1.ColumnCount = 2
ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "50,65"

Setting the number of columns of ListBox1 to three and setting the widths of the columns to 60%, 20% and 20% respectively:

ListBox1.ColumnCount = 3
ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "60%,20%,20%"

If ListBox1 is 100 pixels wide and has three columns, the following code will set the columns widths as indicated but the last column will only be 10 points wide instead of 20:

ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "60,30,20"

If ListBox1 is 100 points wide and has three columns, the following code will set the columns widths but the last column will not be displayed:

ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "60,40,20"