Pair operator

From Xojo Documentation


The ":" is used to assign values to the Left and Right properties of a Pair in a Var statement.


Var p as Pair=value1 : value2 [: value3:... valueN]

Part Type Description
p Pair The Pair instance that contains the assigned Left and Right values.
value1 Variant The value of the Left property in the Pair.
value2 Variant The value of the Right property in the Pair.
value 3...N Variant Optional values, used to create a singly-linked list among pairs.


The syntax for the Pair declaration requires that the Left and Right properties be passed in this manner.

Sample Code

The following Var statement creates a Pair instance:

Var p As Pair = 1 : 2

The following Dim statement creates a singly linked list.

Var p As Pair = 1 : 2 : 3: 4 : 5

See Also

Pair class; Operator precedence