
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As Double )
aPixmapShape.SourceLeft = newDoubleValue
DoubleValue = aPixmapShape.SourceLeft

Supported for all project types and targets.

The number of pixels from the left edge of the source image.

Used to define the subregion of Image to draw.


This example reports the left, top, width, and height of the image that was assigned to the PixmapShape. This image was added to the project and the coordinates are 0, 0, 558, 372.

Var p As Picture
Var px As PixmapShape
p = New Picture(558, 372)
px = New PixmapShape(p)
px.Image = CarImage

Label1.Value = px.SourceLeft.ToString
Label2.Value = px.SourceTop.ToString
Label3.Value = px.SourceWidth.ToString
Label4.Value = px.SourceHeight.ToString