
From Xojo Documentation

Class (inherits from Database)

Used to connect to a PostgreSQL database.

AppName Password SSLKey
DatabaseName Port SSLMode
Host SSLAuthority UserName
MultiThreaded SSLCertificate
AddRow DeleteLargeObject SelectSQL
BeginTransaction ExecuteSQL StopListening
CheckForNotifications Listen TableColumns
Close Notify TableIndexes
CommitTransaction OpenLargeObject Tables
Connect Prepare
CreateLargeObject RollbackTransaction


In order to use this class, you must have the PostgreSQLPlugin database plug-in in your plugins folder.

The PostgreSQL plug-in supports MD5 password authentication.

A field specified as type Float is actually implemented by PostgreSQL as a double (8 bytes).

PostgreSQL dates: field types Date, Time, and TimeStamp are supported by using the DatabaseColumn.DateTimeValue method for a date representation of this data, or use StringValue to get a human-readable date and/or time.

The PostgreSQLDatabase engine supports only the MoveNext RowSet navigation method.

Also be sure to refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation.


SelectSQL and ExecuteSQL statements do not block when called from within Threads.

Xojo Cloud

Xojo Cloud includes built-in support for PostgreSQL databases, which you can enable in your UserGuide:Xojo Cloud Control Panel.

To access an external PostgreSQL databases from web apps running on Xojo Cloud, you will first have to use the FirewallPort class to open the port used to connect to PostgreSQL, which is usually 5432.

Var fwp As New XojoCloud.FirewallPort(5432, _
fwp.Open // This call is synchronous
If fwp.IsOpen Then
// Do what you need to do
End If

Refer to the UserGuide:Xojo_Cloud_Control_Panel#PostgreSQL and MySQL Usage topic for more information about using PostgreSQL with Xojo Cloud.

Large Objects

PostgreSQLDatabase implements PostgreSQL's large objects. PostgreSQL requires that all large object operations be performed inside of a transaction. Therefore, you must start a transaction before you perform your first large object operation:


After you have performed your last large object operation, you should close the transaction, like this:


Please see the PostgreSQLLargeObject class for information on how to work with large objects.

Listen and Notify Protocol

The PostgreSQLDatabase class implements the listen and notify protocol of PostgreSQL databases.

To send a notification, call the PostgreSQLDatabase.Notify method with the name of the notification you want to send. For example, if you wanted to send a notification called "Hello World", you would call Notify like this:

// db is a previously connected PostgreSQL database
db.Notify("Hello World")

To check for notifications, call the PostgreSQLDatabase.CheckForNotifications method. You will receive notifications as a PostgreSQLDatabase.ReceivedNotification event. The ReceivedNotification event is called with three arguments: the name of the notification as a String, the ID of the process sending the notification as an Integer, and an extra argument that the PostgreSQL documentation says is not used at this time. The name parameter is the same name that you used with the Notify method.

If you would like to check for notifications automatically, at some set interval, then use a Timer and call CheckForNotifications in its Action event.

Sample Code

This code connects to an existing PostgreSQL database.

Var db As New PostgreSQLDatabase
db.Host = ""
db.Port = 5432
db.DatabaseName = "myDatabase"
db.AppName = "MyApp"
db.Username = "Charlie"
db.Password = "mashie"
db.Connect Then
//proceed with database operations
Catch error As DatabaseException
MessageBox("The connection failed.")
End Try

Example Projects

  • Example Projects/Database/PostgreSQL/LargeObjects
  • Example Projects/Database/PostgreSQL/ListenAndNotify

See Also

Database Class, DatabaseRow, PostgreSQLLargeObject, PreparedSQLStatement, PostgreSQLPreparedStatement, RowSet classes, PostgreSQL Web Site