
2015r2.2 Release Notes

From Xojo Documentation

(May 26, 2015)

This release fixes a few important issues found in 2015r2.

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

39201 Compiler A mixture of UI and non-UI controls no longer causes a situation where an additional UI control would result in some non-UI controls being rendered to the compiler.
39220 Database Engine SQLiteDatabase: Binding Text values to PreparedStatement no longer inserts incorrect/random data.
39232 Debugger Fixed object IDs in the debugger being identical.
39147 IDE » Miscellaneous Fixed an error where it was possible to have a change to a text (VCP) project not saved when editing an event handler.
39185 IDE » Miscellaneous Fixed an IDE crash that could sometimes occur when deleting a ContainerControl from the project.
39237 Web » Frame Web: Fixed a regression where App.Port and App.SecurePort returned the IDE values when queried in the App.Open event of a Standalone app that had the --port or --secureport property set on the command line.
6 Bug Fixes
6 total items