
From Xojo Documentation


RowSet.ColumnAt(Index as Integer) As DatabaseColumn

New in 2019r2

Supported for all project types and targets.

Returns a DatabaseColumn containing information about the column from the current position in the RowSet.


If the RowSet has no rows, the returned DatabaseColumn only contains the Name of the column.

If index is less than 0 or greater than the highest column index then an OutOfBoundsException is raised.

Like all methods in API 2.0, ColumnAt is 0-based.

Sample Code

Get the string value of a column in a RowSet:

// rs is a RowSet
Var productName As String
productName = rs.ColumnAt(0).StringValue

Changes the string value of a column in a RowSet:

// rs is a RowSet
rs.ColumnAt(0).StringValue = "Generic Widgets"