
XojoScript Language

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(Redirected from Scripting Language)

This topic describes the language operators, data types, keywords and commands that can be used with XojoScript and IDE Scripting.

Note: You cannot use any built-in Xojo classes within XojoScript.


All the language Operators are supported. This includes numeric and alphanumeric operators (+, -, *, /, etc.), the logical operators (And, Not, Or, etc.) and the class operators (IsA, Me, Self, etc.).

All forms of comments are supported.

Data Types

All the standard data types can be used, including as Boolean, Double, Integer, String, etc.

Arrays can use any of these types.

Although the Text data type is available, its related methods are not. You are better off using String in XojoScript.


All of the language commands are supported, with these exceptions:

  • Declare
  • GetTypeInfo


You can create a class using the Class...End Class commands. A new class can have properties, methods, and events. Here is an example of how you can define a class:

// Sample Class definition
Class NewClass
// Property declarations
Dim i As Integer
Dim c As Color
// Method declarations
Sub myMethod (x As Integer, y As Integer)
// Method code goes here
End Sub
End Class

A class can be subclassed from another class using the Inherits command.


Class inheritance is implemented with the "Inherits" command as shown below:

Class MyNewSubClass
Inherits NewClass

// continue class definition
End Class

Use the Super keyword to call an overridden method on its superclass.


Classes can define events using the Event command:

Class MyClass
Event MyEvent(myParameter As DataType) As DataType
End Class

Methods can handle such events using the Handles command. For example:

Class TestClass
Event TestEvent(value As String) As Boolean

Sub Show()
If Not TestEvent("Working!") Then
Print("Nothing to print.")
End If
End Sub
End Class

Class TestSubclass
Inherits TestClass

Function TestEvent(value As String) As Boolean Handles TestEvent

Return False
End Function

End Class

Dim c As TestSubclass
c = New TestSubclass

Print(EndOfLine + "Done!")


Class can define enumerations as shown below:

Class Address
Enum AddressTypes As UInt8
End Enum

Dim AddressType As AddressTypes

End Class

Dim personAddress As New Address

personAddress.AddressType = Address.AddressTypes.Home

Select Case personAddress.AddressType
Case Address.AddressTypes.Home
Print "Home address"
Case Address.AddressTypes.Work
Print "Work address"
End Select

Type Casting

Type casting is supported. Use the desired type's name as a function whose only argument is the object reference you want to cast. If it fails, it will raise an IllegalCastException.

Operator Overloading

Operator Overloading is supported for classes as shown below:

Class OneBasedArray
Private mArray() As Variant

Sub Constructor(bounds As Integer = 0)
Redim mArray(bounds - 1)
End Sub

Function Count() As Integer
Return mArray.UBound + 1
End Function

Sub Operator_Redim(newSize As Integer)
Redim mArray(newSize - 1)
End Sub

Function Operator_Subscript(index As Integer) As Variant
Return mArray(index - 1)
End Function

Sub Operator_Subscript(index As Integer, Assigns v As variant)
mArray(index - 1) = v
End Sub
End Class


You can create modules using the Module...End Module commands. For example:

Module Foo
// Property declarations
Dim bar As Integer
// Method declarations
Sub Baz()
bar = 42
End Sub
End Module

Modules are similar to modules in your project, except that that properties are always protected and constants are not allowed. You can get the effect of a public property or constant by simply putting the Dim or Const command outside of the module like this:

Dim globalValue As Integer
Const globalConstant = "Hello"

Module Foo
Dim bar As Integer

Sub Baz()
bar = 42
End Sub
End Module

Computed Properties

You can add computed properties to classes and modules by using the Property...End Property commands:

Module Test
// Standard property declaration
Dim p As Integer = 1
// Computed property declaration
Property TestProp As Integer
Return p
End Get
p = value
End Set
End Property
End Module


Interfaces are declared by the Interface...End Interface command. Interface methods are declared with a Sub or Function line just as they would be declared inside a class, but they have no contents and need no End Sub or End Function line. Here is an example:

Interface MovableItem
Sub Move(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Function LocationX() As Integer
Function LocationY() As Integer
End Interface

Function declarations with no parameters must have empty parentheses, as shown above.

A class may declare that it implements an interface with the Implements command:

Class Box
Implements MovableItem
End Class

Classes can implement any number of interfaces, but they must provide all of the methods listed in the interface.

See Also

UserGuide:Framework, UserGuide:XojoScript topics