
From Xojo Documentation


Serial.LineChangeNotification(ParamArray Lines as Integer)

New in 2005r1

Supported for all project types and targets.

When a line state changes, the LineStateChanged event occurs and passes an array of lines whose state has changed.


To select which lines to watch or see which lines have changed, please use the new constants added to the Serial class for this purpose:

Name Description
LineCTS ClearToSend
LineDCD DataCarrierDetect
LineDSR DataSetReady
LineDTR DataTerminalReady
LineRTS RequestToSend
LineRI RingIndicator

Use the ClearToSend, DataCarrierDetect, etc. properties to get the state of each line.


Serial.LineChangeNotification(Lines() as Integer)

New in 2005r1

Supported for all project types and targets.

When a line state changes, the LineStateChanged event occurs and passes an array of lines whose state has changed.

To select which lines to watch or see which lines have changed, please use the new constants added to the Serial class for this purpose:

Name Description
LineCTS ClearToSend
LineDCD DataCarrierDetect
LineDSR DataSetReady
LineDTR DataTerminalReady
LineRTS RequestToSend
LineRI RingIndicator

Use the ClearToSend, DataCarrierDetect, etc. properties to get the state of each line.