From Xojo Documentation
This item was deprecated in version 2019r2. Please use SerialConnection.Baud as a replacement. |
IntegerValue = aSerial.Baud
Supported for all project types and targets.
The rate at which data will be sent and received (see the Baud Rate chart in the Notes section, below).
Changing property values does not automatically change the state of the hardware, you must call Reset or re-Open the connection in order for the change to take effect. |
The “Baud” class constants can be used to get or set the Baud rate. To do this, check the value of Baud against one or more class constants. See the table in the section "Baud Rates", below.
Baud Rates
To set the Baud rate, assign the desired class constant to the Baud property. To get the baud rate, compare the value of the Baud property to the constants in this table.
Baud Rate | Value | Class Constant |
300 | 0 | Baud300 |
600 | 1 | Baud600 |
1200 | 2 | Baud1200 |
1800 | 3 | Baud1800 |
2400 | 4 | Baud2400 |
3600 | 5 | Baud3600 |
4800 | 6 | Baud4800 |
7200 | 7 | Baud7200 |
9600 | 8 | Baud9600 |
14400 | 9 | Baud14400 |
19200 | 10 | Baud19200 |
28800 | 11 | Baud28800 |
38400 | 12 | Baud38400 |
57600 | 13 | Baud57600 |
115200 | 14 | Baud115200 |
230400 | 15 | Baud230400 |
Setting nonstandard baud rates is supported only on Windows and macOS. On macOS, the system supports arbitrary baud rates by passing the request along to the driver. If the driver supports the passed baud rate, then it is set (or approximated).
On Linux, some non-standard baud rates are possible to achieve by using the Setserial system call and setting your baud rate to a special value.
The following example sets the Baud rate in the Open event of the window. The Baud rate can also be set in the IDE.