
From Xojo Documentation

Shared Method

Assigns a value to a String variable by concatenating the elements of a one-dimensional String array.


result = String.FromArray(sourceArray [,delimiter])

Part Type Description
result String String that results from concatenating all the elements of sourceArray, optionally separated by delimiter.
sourceArray String array Source array whose elements will be used to create result.
delimiter String Optional delimiter used in separating the elements of sourceArray when creating result. The default is one space.


FromArray takes a one-dimensional String array and concatenates the individual elements into a single String variable. You can pass an optional delimiter which will be inserted between the fields in the resulting String. If no delimiter is passed, a single space will be used as the delimiter.

The String.ToArray function performs the opposite function. It takes a String and creates an array by parsing the string into array elements using a specified delimiter.

Sample Code

This example concatenates a three-element array into the string "Anthony,Aardvark,Accountant".

Var names() As String = Array("Anthony", "Aardvark", "Accountant")
Var combinedNames As String
combinedNames = String.FromArray(names, ",") // returns "Anthony,Aardvark,Accountant"

See Also

String and Arrays for additional details.