Desktop Movie Player
From Xojo Documentation
The MoviePlayer control displays the standard movie controller for your platform.
From the Inspector, you can select a movie from your project that will be associated with a MoviePlayer control. You can also determine the default appearance of the movie controller. To add a movie to your project, just drag it to the Navigator. Movie Player can only play locally stored videos and cannot stream a video.
- Called when the size of the Controller has changed.
- Called when the movie starts playing.
- Called when the movie stops playing.
- When True, the movie starts playing as soon as it is assigned to the Movie property.
- When True, the Movie Player control resizes to fit the actual size of the movie specified in the Movie property.
- When True, the movie will repeat from the beginning when it reaches the end.
HasController, ControllerHeight, ControllerWidth
- Used to specify if the controller should be displayed or not.
- Returns the duration of the currently playing movie. If the movie is not playing, Duration is 0.
- Used to show or hide the forward and reverse arrows in the movie controller.
- Used to show or hide the volume control in the movie controller.
- The Movie to play or edit.
- When True, the movie is played in reverse (from the end) when it reaches the end. Looping must also be True in order for this to work.
- Specifies the type of player to use on Windows. You can choose between Preferred, QuickTime or Windows Media Player.
- The current play position of the movie (in seconds).
- Specifies the volume for playback.
- Plays the movie from the current Position and calls the Play event.
- Stops playing the movie and calls the Stop event.
See Also
MoviePlayer, Movie classes