
Iterator and Iterable Interfaces

From Xojo Documentation

There are two built-in interfaces that you can use to implement the usage of For Each...Next to loop through data: Xojo.Core.Iterator and Xojo.Core.Iterable.

Creating an Iterable ListBox

As an example use of Iterator and Iterable, you can create a version of the desktop ListBox control that lets you iterate through its rows using For Each...Next. Here's how you can implement it.

Arrays, Dictionaries and Iterators

Create a new class called ListBoxIterator and assign it the Xojo.Core.Iterator interface which adds empty MoveNext and Value methods. You'll add code to those in a moment, but first add a Constructor method to ListBoxIterator:

Public Sub Constructor(lb As ListBox)
Data = lb

InitialListCount = Data.ListCount
End Sub

This constructor takes as a parameter a ListBox and saves references to the ListBox and its initial count to properties on the class which you should add now:

  • Data As ListBox
  • InitialListCount As Integer = -1

In addition you'll want one other property to track the current row of the iterator:

  • IteratorRow As Integer

You'll also want to add a computed property that checks to verify that the ListBox has not been modified while you are iterating through it. The computed property:

  • IsValid As Boolean

has this code in its Get block:

If InitialListCount <> Data.ListCount Then
Return False
Return True
End If

With these properties in place you can now implement the two interface methods. First, start with MoveNext:

// Ensure ListBox has not been modified while iterating
If Not IsValid Then
Dim exc As New Xojo.Core.IteratorException
exc.Reason = "ListBox row count cannot be modified within For...Each loop."
Raise exc
End If

If IteratorRow < (Data.ListCount - 1) Then
// Move to the next row in the ListBox.
// Note the first row is "-1", so you have to call
// MoveNext once to get to the first row 0.
IteratorRow = IteratorRow + 1
Return True
// No more rows in ListBox
Return False
End If

And now implement the Value method which actually gets the data from the ListBox. You can actually return the data however you want. In the case of a ListBox, this code gets the text for each column in the row, separates it by spaces, and returns it as a single Text value.

Dim lbRow As Text
Dim space As Text
For column As Integer = 0 To Data.ColumnCount - 1
lbRow = lbRow + space + Data.Cell(IteratorRow, column).ToText
space = " "

Return lbRow

Now that you have created an iterator that can work with a ListBox you need to create a ListBox subclass that uses the iterator. Add a new class (called IterableListBox) and set its super to ListBox and assign it the Xojo.Core.Iterable interface which adds the GetIterator method. In this method you need to set up and return the iterator you just created. You do that by calling New and passing in the ListBox itself:

Dim lbIterator As New ListBoxIterator(Self)
Return lbIterator

That is all you need on this subclass. Now you can use the subclass with For Each...Next. On Window1, drag IterableListBox to the layout and add some initial data using the Initial Value property in the Inspector. Now add a button to the Window and put this code in it to iterate through the values you've added to the ListBox:

For Each row As Text In IterableListBox1

Run your project and click the button where you'll get the contents of the ListBox displayed in a message box, one row at a time.

Example Projects

  • Examples/Xojo Framework/IterableListBox
  • Examples/Xojo Framework/IterableText

See Also

Xojo.Core.Iterator, Xojo.Core.Iterable classes; UserGuide:Framework topic