
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As Integer )
aWebContainer.ScrollBarsVisible = newIntegerValue
IntegerValue = aWebContainer.ScrollBarsVisible

New in 2010r4

Supported for all project types and targets.

Controls the behavior of scrollbars that are needed if the view of the WebContainer on the WebPage or other WebContainer is smaller than the WebContainer itself. Values are: Automatic (0), Always (1), or Never (2).


On touch devices, touch-scrolling is enabled if you have ScrollBarsVisible set to Automatic (0) or Always (1).

Use the following WebContainer class constants to specify the value of ScrollbarsVisible.

Constant Description Value
ScrollbarsAutomatic Scroll bars appear automatically when needed. 0
ScrollbarsAlways Scroll bars always appear. 1
ScrollbarsNever Scroll bars never appear. 2
ScrollbarsVertical Only vertical scroll bar appears. 3
ScrollbarsHorizontal Only horizontal scroll bar appears. 4