
From Xojo Documentation

For desktop applications, see Graphics.

Class (inherits from Object)

New in 2012r1

WebGraphics class objects are used for drawing text, lines, rectangles, ovals, and pictures from within the a WebCanvas.Paint event.

Bold LineCap TextFont
ForeColor LineJoin TextSize
Height fa-lock-32.png PenWidth Width fa-lock-32.png
Italic TextAlignment

ClearRect DrawRect FillRect
DrawLine DrawRoundRect FillRoundRect
DrawOval DrawString Restore
DrawPicture FillOval Save
DrawPolygon FillPolygon Shadow


The X and Y parameters of the methods are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the left-top corner of the object being drawn or cleared. The origin (0,0) is the top-left corner of the control or window in which the drawing is being done.
For example, 50,50 is 50 pixels to the right and 50 pixels down from the top-left of the window or control.