
From Xojo Documentation

For desktop applications, see Label.

Class (inherits from WebTextControl)

Used to display a text label on a web page.

Close KeyPressed MouseUp
ContextualMenuAction LostFocus Open
DoubleClick MouseDown Resized
DropObject MouseEnter Shown
GotFocus MouseExit
Hidden MouseMove

ContextualMenu LockBottom Style
ControlID fa-lock-32.png LockHorizontal Text
Cursor LockLeft TextAlign
DragOverStyle LockRight Top
Enabled LockTop VerticalCenter
HasFocusRing LockVertical Visible
Height Multiline Width
HelpTag Name fa-lock-32.png Zindex
HorizontalCenter Page fa-lock-32.png
Left Parent fa-lock-32.png

AcceptPictureDrop AllowRawDataDrag MsgBox
AcceptRawDataDrop AllowTextDrag PresentContextualMenu
AcceptTextDrop Close SetFocus
AllowPictureDrag ExecuteJavaScript ShowURL


Change the text of a label:

Label1.Text = "Enter your name:"

If you want to display text that wraps to multiple lines, set the Multiline property to True:

Label1.Multiline = True
Label1.Text = "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

See Also

Label, WebLink, WebSearchField, WebTextArea, WebTextControl, WebTextField