
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As String )
aWebListBox.ColumnWidth(Column as Integer) = newStringValue
StringValue = aWebListBox.ColumnWidth(Column as Integer)

New in 2010r4

Supported for all project types and targets.

The width of the specified column specified by the passed Column. Column is zero-based. The String expression for width follows the same rules as each width for WebListBox.ColumnWidths.


You can use a mixture of pixels, percentages, and relative lengths. Column widths specified in pixels are guaranteed to have the specified width. Column widths specified in percentages are guaranteed to have that percentage of the visible width of the ListBox. The column widths specified using the * divide up the remaining width proportionally. For example, if there are four columns, the specification "20, 20%, *, 2*" gives 20 pixels to the first column 20% of the total to the second column, and the last two columns divide up the remaining width in the ratio of 1:2, with the last column getting any remaining fractional pixels.

Unrecognized or unsupported expressions (e.g. '2@')for the column width properties will result in an UnsupportedFormatException. The message of this exception describes in English what went wrong.


The following uses pixels to resize the first two columns. This code could be on the Shown event of a WebPage:

ListBox1.ColumnWidth(0) = "100"
Listbox1.ColumnWidth(1) = "400"

The following example uses percentages and could be on the Shown event handler of the WebListBox itself:

Me.ColumnWidth(0) = "20%"
Me.ColumnWidth(1) = "80%"