
From Xojo Documentation

Property (As String )
aWebToolbarButton.Caption = newStringValue
StringValue = aWebToolbarButton.Caption

New in 2011r2

Supported for all project types and targets.

The caption of the button, which appears below the icon (if there is an icon specified). Setting it to blank ("") causes the button to have no caption.


The Caption can be surrounded by "<raw></raw>" tags to temporarily disable HTML parsing. For example, you could bold just a single word in a Caption by doing this:

button.Caption = "<raw><b>bold</b></raw> text"


This code changes the caption for an existing button on the toolbar:

Var button As WebToolbarButton
button = WebToolBarButton(Toolbar1.ItemWithName("SaveButton"))

If button <> Nil Then
button.Caption = "New Caption"
End If