What's new in REAL Studio 2011 R1.1?
From Xojo Documentation
| 15651 Fixed a bug in WebListBox where DeleteAllRows did not clear the selected rows
| 16205 Fixed a bug in the Web Framework which caused touch events to omit touch coordinates when converting to mouse events.
| 16294 Views now load & retain their size as set in the initial design when using VCP project types
| 16450 Linux: TextField.SelText now places the text cursor consistently with our other platforms (i.e. Mac/Windows)
| 16475 RbScript: no longer crashes on Core i7 MacBook Pros.
| 16481 KeyUp and KeyDown events now fire on WebPage for IE8
| 16519 Projects saved as VCP will properly reload & display web styles assigned to controls
| 16548 Compiler: the IDE no longer has a failed assertion if a project contains a database.
| 16624 Fixed a bug in WebDialog which caused the underlying WebPage to become unusable when a sheet was dismissed
| 16648 Linux: Picture.GetData now works in Desktop apps