
From Xojo Documentation


XMLNode.GetAttributeNode(Name as String) As XMLAttribute

Supported for all project types and targets.

Gets an XML attribute node of the attribute specified by Name.


XMLNode.GetAttributeNode(URI as String,Name as String) As XMLAttribute

Supported for all project types and targets.

Gets an XML attribute node of the attribute specified by URI and Name.


XMLNode.GetAttributeNode(Index as Integer) As XMLAttribute

Supported for all project types and targets.

Gets an XML attribute node of the attribute specified by Index position. Index is zero-based.


The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 	<Team name="Seagulls">
 		<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
 		<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
 	<Team name="Pigeons">
 		<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
 		<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
 	<Team name="Crows">
 		<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
 		<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />

This example shows how to walk over the team nodes in the above XML and displays each team name:

Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild

Var an As XmlAttribute
While n <> Nil
an = n.GetAttributeNode("name")
MessageBox(n.Name + ": " + an.Value)

n = n.NextSibling