From Xojo Documentation
Returns an Iterator that can be used with For Each...Next loops.
Sample Code
Classes that implement Iterable, such as Dictionary, can be used with For..Each loops:
Dim entries() As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry
For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In d
TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + " " + entry.Key + " " + entry.Value
For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In d
TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + " " + entry.Key + " " + entry.Value
Note that if you change an Iterable while iterating over it using For Each...Next, an exception is raised. If you find you need to iterate and change the data, you can add a method to get all the keys into an array and then iterate through the array to access the values. A method could be something like this:
Function EagerlyEvaluateIterable(obj As Xojo.Core.Iterable) As Auto()
Dim results() As Auto
For item As Auto In obj
Return results
End Function
Dim results() As Auto
For item As Auto In obj
Return results
End Function
Now you can call the method to get an array where you can then modify the contents. For example. this would let you iterate and modify a Dictionary:
For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In EagerlyEvaluateIterable(d)
// Stuff that can mutate the dictionary
// Stuff that can mutate the dictionary
You can also use Xojo.IO.FolderItem.Children to loop through the files in a folder: