
From Xojo Documentation


Indicates how the image is stretched, scaled or aligned when it is displayed. Used by iOSImageView.ContentMode.


Enum Description
ScaleToFill The image's aspect ratio is ignored and the image is stretched to fit within the bounds of the frame.
ScaleAspectFit Scales the image until it fits entirely, maintaining aspect.
ScaleAspectFill Scales the image until it fills the ImageView entirely, maintaining aspect.
Center The image is centered within the frame.
Top The image is positioned with its top at the top of the frame.
Bottom The image is positioned with its bottom at the bottom of the frame.
Left The image is positioned with its left at the left of the frame.
Right The image is positioned with its right at the right of the frame.
TopLeft The image is positioned with its top left at the top left of the frame.
TopRight The image is positioned with its top right at the top right of the frame.
BottomLeft The image is positioned with its bottom left at the bottom left of the frame.
BottomRight The image is positioned with its bottom right at the bottom right of the frame.