yiisoft/yii2-mongodb API Documentation 2.0

This is the API Documentation for the yiisoft/yii2-mongodb extension. Here you will find detailed information about all classes provided by this extension. Below you find a list of the existing classes, interfaces, and traits, ordered by their fully qualified name (including the namespace). Each of them has a dedicated page which contains a description about the purpose of the class, a list of the available methods, properties and constants, and detailed description on how to use each of them.

On this page you find all the classes included in version 2.0 of the extension. You can use the dropdown menu on the top right to switch between versions.

Class Description
yii\mongodb\ActiveFixture ActiveFixture represents a fixture backed up by a \yii\mongodb\modelClass or a MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a Mongo query associated with an Active Record class.
yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing Mongo documents in terms of objects.
yii\mongodb\Cache Cache implements a cache application component by storing cached data in a MongoDB.
yii\mongodb\Collection Collection represents the Mongo collection information.
yii\mongodb\Connection Connection represents a connection to a MongoDb server.
yii\mongodb\Database Database represents the Mongo database information.
yii\mongodb\Exception Exception represents an exception that is caused by some Mongo-related operations.
yii\mongodb\Migration Migration is the base class for representing a MongoDB migration.
yii\mongodb\Query Query represents Mongo "find" operation.
yii\mongodb\Session Session extends \yii\web\Session by using MongoDB as session data storage.
yii\mongodb\console\controllers\MigrateController Manages application MongoDB migrations.
yii\mongodb\debug\ExplainAction ExplainAction provides EXPLAIN information for MongoDB queries
yii\mongodb\debug\MongoDbPanel MongoDbPanel panel that collects and displays MongoDB queries performed.
yii\mongodb\file\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a Mongo query associated with an file Active Record class.
yii\mongodb\file\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing Mongo GridFS files in terms of objects.
yii\mongodb\file\Collection Collection represents the Mongo GridFS collection information.
yii\mongodb\file\Query Query represents Mongo "find" operation for GridFS collection.
yii\mongodb\gii\model\Generator This generator will generate ActiveRecord class for the specified MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\i18n\MongoDbMessageSource MongoDbMessageSource extends \yii\i18n\MessageSource and represents a message source that stores translated messages in MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\log\MongoDbTarget MongoDbTarget stores log messages in a MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\rbac\MongoDbManager MongoDbManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in MongoDB.
yii\mongodb\rbac\Permission Permission is a special version of \yii\rbac\Permission dedicated to MongoDB RBAC implementation.
yii\mongodb\rbac\Role Role is a special version of \yii\rbac\Role dedicated to MongoDB RBAC implementation.
yii\mongodb\validators\MongoDateValidator MongoDateValidator is an enhanced version of \yii\validators\DateValidator, which supports \MongoDate values.
yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator MongoIdValidator verifies if the attribute is a valid Mongo ID.