.. _aiohttp-deployment: ================= Server Deployment ================= There are several options for aiohttp server deployment: * Standalone server * Running a pool of backend servers behind of :term:`nginx`, HAProxy or other *reverse proxy server* * Using :term:`gunicorn` behind of *reverse proxy* Every method has own benefits and disadvantages. .. _aiohttp-deployment-standalone: Standalone ========== Just call :func:`aiohttp.web.run_app` function passing :class:`aiohttp.web.Application` instance. The method is very simple and could be the best solution in some trivial cases. But it does not utilize all CPU cores. For running multiple aiohttp server instances use *reverse proxies*. .. _aiohttp-deployment-nginx-supervisord: Nginx+supervisord ================= Running aiohttp servers behind :term:`nginx` makes several advantages. At first, nginx is the perfect frontend server. It may prevent many attacks based on malformed http protocol etc. Second, running several aiohttp instances behind nginx allows to utilize all CPU cores. Third, nginx serves static files much faster than built-in aiohttp static file support. But this way requires more complex configuration. Nginx configuration -------------------- Here is short extraction about writing Nginx configuration file. It does not cover all available Nginx options. For full reference read `Nginx tutorial `_ and `official Nginx documentation `_. First configure HTTP server itself: .. code-block:: nginx http { server { listen 80; client_max_body_size 4G; server_name example.com; location / { proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_redirect off; proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass http://aiohttp; } location /static { # path for static files root /path/to/app/static; } } } This config listens on port ``80`` for server named ``example.com`` and redirects everything to ``aiohttp`` backend group. Also it serves static files from ``/path/to/app/static`` path as ``example.com/static``. Next we need to configure *aiohttp upstream group*: .. code-block:: nginx http { upstream aiohttp { # fail_timeout=0 means we always retry an upstream even if it failed # to return a good HTTP response # Unix domain servers server unix:/tmp/example_1.sock fail_timeout=0; server unix:/tmp/example_2.sock fail_timeout=0; server unix:/tmp/example_3.sock fail_timeout=0; server unix:/tmp/example_4.sock fail_timeout=0; # Unix domain sockets are used in this example due to their high performance, # but TCP/IP sockets could be used instead: # server fail_timeout=0; # server fail_timeout=0; # server fail_timeout=0; # server fail_timeout=0; } } All HTTP requests for ``http://example.com`` except ones for ``http://example.com/static`` will be redirected to ``example1.sock``, ``example2.sock``, ``example3.sock`` or ``example4.sock`` backend servers. By default, Nginx uses round-robin algorithm for backend selection. .. note:: Nginx is not the only existing *reverse proxy server* but the most popular one. Alternatives like HAProxy may be used as well. Supervisord ----------- After configuring Nginx we need to start our aiohttp backends. Better to use some tool for starting them automatically after system reboot or backend crash. There are very many ways to do it: Supervisord, Upstart, Systemd, Gaffer, Circus, Runit etc. Here we'll use `Supervisord `_ for example: .. code-block:: cfg [program:aiohttp] numprocs = 4 numprocs_start = 1 process_name = example_%(process_num)s ; Unix socket paths are specified by command line. command=/path/to/aiohttp_example.py --path=/tmp/example_%(process_num)s.sock ; We can just as easily pass TCP port numbers: ; command=/path/to/aiohttp_example.py --port=808%(process_num)s user=nobody autostart=true autorestart=true aiohttp server -------------- The last step is preparing aiohttp server for working with supervisord. Assuming we have properly configured :class:`aiohttp.web.Application` and port is specified by command line, the task is trivial: .. code-block:: python3 # aiohttp_example.py import argparse from aiohttp import web parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="aiohttp server example") parser.add_argument('--path') parser.add_argument('--port') if __name__ == '__main__': app = web.Application() # configure app args = parser.parse_args() web.run_app(app, path=args.path, port=args.port) For real use cases we perhaps need to configure other things like logging etc., but it's out of scope of the topic. .. _aiohttp-deployment-gunicorn: Nginx+Gunicorn ============== aiohttp can be deployed using `Gunicorn `_, which is based on a pre-fork worker model. Gunicorn launches your app as worker processes for handling incoming requests. In opposite to deployment with :ref:`bare Nginx ` the solution does not need to manually run several aiohttp processes and use tool like supervisord for monitoring it. But nothing is for free: running aiohttp application under gunicorn is slightly slower. Prepare environment ------------------- You firstly need to setup your deployment environment. This example is based on `Ubuntu `_ 16.04. Create a directory for your application:: >> mkdir myapp >> cd myapp Create Python virtual environment:: >> python3 -m venv venv >> source venv/bin/activate Now that the virtual environment is ready, we'll proceed to install aiohttp and gunicorn:: >> pip install gunicorn >> pip install aiohttp Application ----------- Lets write a simple application, which we will save to file. We'll name this file *my_app_module.py*:: from aiohttp import web async def index(request): return web.Response(text="Welcome home!") my_web_app = web.Application() my_web_app.router.add_get('/', index) Application factory ------------------- As an option an entry point could be a coroutine that accepts no parameters and returns an application instance:: from aiohttp import web async def index(request): return web.Response(text="Welcome home!") async def my_web_app(): app = web.Application() app.router.add_get('/', index) return app Start Gunicorn -------------- When `Running Gunicorn `_, you provide the name of the module, i.e. *my_app_module*, and the name of the app or application factory, i.e. *my_web_app*, along with other `Gunicorn Settings `_ provided as command line flags or in your config file. In this case, we will use: * the *'--bind'* flag to set the server's socket address; * the *'--worker-class'* flag to tell Gunicorn that we want to use a custom worker subclass instead of one of the Gunicorn default worker types; * you may also want to use the *'--workers'* flag to tell Gunicorn how many worker processes to use for handling requests. (See the documentation for recommendations on `How Many Workers? `_) * you may also want to use the *'--accesslog'* flag to enable the access log to be populated. (See :ref:`logging ` for more information.) The custom worker subclass is defined in ``aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker``:: >> gunicorn my_app_module:my_web_app --bind localhost:8080 --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker [2017-03-11 18:27:21 +0000] [1249] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.7.1 [2017-03-11 18:27:21 +0000] [1249] [INFO] Listening at: (1249) [2017-03-11 18:27:21 +0000] [1249] [INFO] Using worker: aiohttp.worker.GunicornWebWorker [2015-03-11 18:27:21 +0000] [1253] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 1253 Gunicorn is now running and ready to serve requests to your app's worker processes. .. note:: If you want to use an alternative asyncio event loop `uvloop `_, you can use the ``aiohttp.GunicornUVLoopWebWorker`` worker class. More information ---------------- The Gunicorn documentation recommends deploying Gunicorn behind an Nginx proxy server. See the `official documentation `_ for more information about suggested nginx configuration. Logging configuration --------------------- ``aiohttp`` and ``gunicorn`` use different format for specifying access log. By default aiohttp uses own defaults:: '%a %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"' For more information please read :ref:`Format Specification for Access Log `.