.. currentmodule:: altair .. _user-guide-filter-transform: Filter Transform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The filter transform removes objects from a data stream based on a provided filter expression, selection, or other filter predicate. A filter can be added at the top level of a chart using the :meth:`Chart.transform_filter` method. The argument to ``transform_filter`` can be one of a number of expressions and objects: 1. A `Vega expression`_ expressed as a string or built using the :mod:`~expr` module 2. A Field predicate, such as :class:`~FieldOneOfPredicate`, :class:`~FieldRangePredicate`, :class:`~FieldEqualPredicate`, :class:`~FieldLTPredicate`, :class:`~FieldGTPredicate`, :class:`~FieldLTEPredicate`, :class:`~FieldGTEPredicate`, 3. A Selection predicate or object created by :func:`selection` 4. A Logical operand that combines any of the above We'll show a brief example of each of these in the following sections Filter Expression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A filter expression uses the `Vega expression`_ language, either specified directly as a string, or built using the :mod:`~expr` module. This can be useful when, for example, selecting only a subset of data. For example: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt from altair import datum from vega_datasets import data pop = data.population.url alt.Chart(pop).mark_area().encode( x='age:O', y='people:Q', ).transform_filter( (datum.year == 2000) & (datum.sex == 1) ) Notice that, like in the :ref:`user-guide-filter-transform`, data values are referenced via the name ``datum``. Field Predicates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Field predicates overlap somewhat in function with expression predicates, but have the advantage that their contents are validated by the schema. Examples are: - :class:`~FieldEqualPredicate` evaluates whether a field is equal to a particular value - :class:`~FieldOneOfPredicate` evaluates whether a field is among a list of specified values. - :class:`~FieldRangePredicate` evaluates whether a continuous field is within a range of values. - :class:`~FieldLTPredicate` evaluates whether a continuous field is less than a given value - :class:`~FieldGTPredicate` evaluates whether a continuous field is greater than a given value - :class:`~FieldLTEPredicate` evaluates whether a continuous field is less than or equal to a given value - :class:`~FieldGTEPredicate` evaluates whether a continuous field is greater than or equal to a given value Here is an example of a :class:`~FieldEqualPredicate` used to select just the values from year 2000 as in the above chart: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data pop = data.population.url alt.Chart(pop).mark_line().encode( x='age:O', y='sum(people):Q', color='year:O' ).transform_filter( alt.FieldEqualPredicate(field='year', equal=2000) ) A :class:`~FieldOneOfPredicate` is similar, but allows selection of any number of specific values: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data pop = data.population.url alt.Chart(pop).mark_line().encode( x='age:O', y='sum(people):Q', color='year:O' ).transform_filter( alt.FieldOneOfPredicate(field='year', oneOf=[1900, 1950, 2000]) ) Finally, a :meth:`~FieldRangePredicate` allows selecting values within a particular continuous range: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data pop = data.population.url alt.Chart(pop).mark_line().encode( x='age:O', y='sum(people):Q', color='year:O' ).transform_filter( alt.FieldRangePredicate(field='year', range=[1960, 2000]) ) Selection Predicates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Selection predicates can be used to filter data based on a selection. While these can be constructed directly using a :class:`~SelectionPredicate` class, in Altair it is often more convenient to construct them using the :func:`~selection` function. For example, this chart uses a multi-selection that allows the user to click or shift-click on the bars in the bottom chart to select the data to be shown in the top chart: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data pop = data.population.url selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=['year']) top = alt.Chart().mark_line().encode( x='age:O', y='sum(people):Q', color='year:O' ).properties( width=600, height=200 ).transform_filter( selection ) bottom = alt.Chart().mark_bar().encode( x='year:O', y='sum(people):Q', color=alt.condition(selection, alt.value('steelblue'), alt.value('lightgray')) ).properties( width=600, height=100 ).add_selection( selection ) alt.vconcat( top, bottom, data=pop ) Logical Operands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At times it is useful to combine several types of predicates into a single selection. This can be accomplished using the various logical operand classes: - :class:`~LogicalOrPredicate` - :class:`~LogicalAndPredicate` - :class:`~LogicalNotPredicate` These are not yet part of the Altair interface (see `Issue 695 `_) but can be constructed explicitly; for example, here we plot US population distributions for all data *except* the years 1950-1960, by applying a ``LogicalNotPredicate`` schema to a ``FieldRangePredicate``: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data pop = data.population.url alt.Chart(pop).mark_line().encode( x='age:O', y='sum(people):Q', color='year:O' ).properties( width=600, height=200 ).transform_filter( {'not': alt.FieldRangePredicate(field='year', range=[1900, 1950])} ) Transform Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :meth:`~Chart.transform_filter` method is built on the :class:`~FilterTransform` class, which has the following options: .. altair-object-table:: altair.FilterTransform .. _Vega expression: https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/expressions/