


class AbstractMesh extends TransformNode


new AbstractMesh(name, scene)


Name Type Description
name string
optional scene Nullable<Scene>


static OCCLUSION_TYPE_NONE : number





static BILLBOARDMODE_NONE : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_X : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_Y : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_Z : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_ALL : number

facetNb : number

Read-only : the number of facets in the mesh

partitioningSubdivisions : number

The number (integer) of subdivisions per axis in the partioning space

partitioningBBoxRatio : number

The ratio (float) to apply to the bouding box size to set to the partioning space.

Ex : 1.01 (default) the partioning space is 1% bigger than the bounding box.

mustDepthSortFacets : boolean

Boolean : must the facet be depth sorted on next call to updateFacetData() ?

Works only for updatable meshes.

Doesn't work with multi-materials.

facetDepthSortFrom : Vector3

The location (Vector3) where the facet depth sort must be computed from.

By default, the active camera position.

Used only when facet depth sort is enabled.

isFacetDataEnabled : boolean

Read-only boolean : is the feature facetData enabled ?

onCollideObservable : Observable<AbstractMesh>

An event triggered when this mesh collides with another one

@type {BABYLON.Observable}

onCollide : () => void

onCollisionPositionChangeObservable : Observable<Vector3>

An event triggered when the collision's position changes

@type {BABYLON.Observable}

onCollisionPositionChange : () => void

onMaterialChangedObservable : Observable<AbstractMesh>

An event triggered when material is changed

@type {BABYLON.Observable}

definedFacingForward : boolean

occlusionQueryAlgorithmType : number

This property determines the type of occlusion query algorithm to run in WebGl, you can use:



AbstractMesh.OCCLUSION_ALGORITHM_TYPE_CONSERVATIVE (Default Value) which is mapped to GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE which is a false positive algorithm that is faster than GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED but less accurate.

for more info check WebGl documentations

occlusionType : number

This property is responsible for starting the occlusion query within the Mesh or not, this property is also used to determine what should happen when the occlusionRetryCount is reached. It has supports 3 values:

OCCLUSION_TYPE_NONE (Default Value): this option means no occlusion query whith the Mesh.

OCCLUSION_TYPE_OPTIMISTIC: this option is means use occlusion query and if occlusionRetryCount is reached and the query is broken show the mesh.

OCCLUSION_TYPE_STRICT: this option is means use occlusion query and if occlusionRetryCount is reached and the query is broken restore the last state of the mesh occlusion if the mesh was visible then show the mesh if was hidden then hide don't show.

occlusionRetryCount : number

This number indicates the number of allowed retries before stop the occlusion query, this is useful if the occlusion query is taking long time before to the query result is retireved, the query result indicates if the object is visible within the scene or not and based on that Babylon.Js engine decideds to show or hide the object.

The default value is -1 which means don't break the query and wait till the result.

isOccluded : boolean

Property isOccluded : Gets or sets whether the mesh is occluded or not, it is used also to set the intial state of the mesh to be occluded or not.

isOcclusionQueryInProgress : boolean

Flag to check the progress status of the query

visibility : number

alphaIndex : number

isVisible : boolean

isPickable : boolean

showBoundingBox : boolean

showSubMeshesBoundingBox : boolean

isBlocker : boolean

enablePointerMoveEvents : boolean

renderingGroupId : number

material : Nullable<Material>

receiveShadows : boolean

renderOutline : boolean

outlineColor : Color3

outlineWidth : number

renderOverlay : boolean

overlayColor : Color3

overlayAlpha : number

hasVertexAlpha : boolean

useVertexColors : boolean

computeBonesUsingShaders : boolean

numBoneInfluencers : number

applyFog : boolean

useOctreeForRenderingSelection : boolean

useOctreeForPicking : boolean

useOctreeForCollisions : boolean

layerMask : number

alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh : boolean

True if the mesh must be rendered in any case.

actionManager : Nullable<ActionManager>

This scene's action manager

@type {BABYLON.ActionManager}

physicsImpostor : Nullable<PhysicsImpostor>

ellipsoid : Vector3

ellipsoidOffset : Vector3

collisionMask : number

collisionGroup : number

edgesWidth : number

edgesColor : Color4

subMeshes : SubMesh[]

skeleton : Nullable<Skeleton>

scaling : Vector3

Scaling property : a Vector3 depicting the mesh scaling along each local axis X, Y, Z.

Default : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Scaling property : a Vector3 depicting the mesh scaling along each local axis X, Y, Z.

Default : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

isBlocked : boolean

Returns true if the mesh is blocked. Used by the class Mesh.

Returns the boolean false by default.

useBones : boolean

checkCollisions : boolean

Property checkCollisions : Boolean, whether the camera should check the collisions against the mesh.

Default false.

collider : Collider

Gets Collider object used to compute collisions (not physics)

this : undefined


isDisposed() boolean

Boolean : true if the mesh has been disposed.

getClassName() string

Returns the string "AbstractMesh"

toString(fullDetails) string


Name Type Description
optional fullDetails boolean

disableEdgesRendering() AbstractMesh

Disables the mesh edger rendering mode.

Returns the AbstractMesh.

enableEdgesRendering(epsilon, checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices) AbstractMesh

Enables the edge rendering mode on the mesh.

This mode makes the mesh edges visible.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
optional epsilon number
optional checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices boolean

getLOD(camera) AbstractMesh

Returns the mesh itself by default, used by the class Mesh.

Returned type : AbstractMesh


Name Type Description
camera Camera

getTotalVertices() number

Returns 0 by default, used by the class Mesh.

Returns an integer.

getIndices() Nullable<IndicesArray>

Returns null by default, used by the class Mesh.

Returned type : integer array

getVerticesData(kind) Nullable<FloatArray>

Returns the array of the requested vertex data kind. Used by the class Mesh. Returns null here.

Returned type : float array or Float32Array


Name Type Description
kind string

setVerticesData(kind, data, updatable, stride) AbstractMesh

Sets the vertex data of the mesh geometry for the requested kind.

If the mesh has no geometry, a new Geometry object is set to the mesh and then passed this vertex data.

The data are either a numeric array either a Float32Array.

The parameter updatable is passed as is to the underlying Geometry object constructor (if initianilly none) or updater.

The parameter stride is an optional positive integer, it is usually automatically deducted from the kind (3 for positions or normals, 2 for UV, etc).

Note that a new underlying VertexBuffer object is created each call.

If the kind is the PositionKind, the mesh BoundingInfo is renewed, so the bounding box and sphere, and the mesh World Matrix is recomputed.

     * Possible `kind` values :


Name Type Description
kind string
data FloatArray
optional updatable boolean

updateVerticesData(kind, data, updateExtends, makeItUnique) AbstractMesh

Updates the existing vertex data of the mesh geometry for the requested kind.

If the mesh has no geometry, it is simply returned as it is.

The data are either a numeric array either a Float32Array.

No new underlying VertexBuffer object is created.

If the kind is the PositionKind and if updateExtends is true, the mesh BoundingInfo is renewed, so the bounding box and sphere, and the mesh World Matrix is recomputed.

If the parameter makeItUnique is true, a new global geometry is created from this positions and is set to the mesh.

     * Possible `kind` values :


Name Type Description
kind string
data FloatArray
optional updateExtends boolean

setIndices(indices, totalVertices) AbstractMesh

Sets the mesh indices.

Expects an array populated with integers or a typed array (Int32Array, Uint32Array, Uint16Array).

If the mesh has no geometry, a new Geometry object is created and set to the mesh.

This method creates a new index buffer each call.

Returns the Mesh.


Name Type Description
indices IndicesArray
totalVertices Nullable<number>

isVerticesDataPresent(kind) boolean

Returns a boolean


Name Type Description
kind string

getBoundingInfo() BoundingInfo

Returns the mesh BoundingInfo object or creates a new one and returns it if undefined.

Returns a BoundingInfo

normalizeToUnitCube(includeDescendants) AbstractMesh

Uniformly scales the mesh to fit inside of a unit cube (1 X 1 X 1 units).


Name Type Description
optional includeDescendants boolean Take the hierarchy's bounding box instead of the mesh's bounding box.

setBoundingInfo(boundingInfo) AbstractMesh

Sets a mesh new object BoundingInfo.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
boundingInfo BoundingInfo

getWorldMatrix() Matrix

Returns the latest update of the World matrix

Returns a Matrix.

movePOV(amountRight, amountUp, amountForward) AbstractMesh

Perform relative position change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.

This is performed taking into account the meshes current rotation, so you do not have to care.

Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.

     * Returns the [AbstractMesh](/classes/3.1/AbstractMesh).


Name Type Description
amountRight number
amountUp number
amountForward number

calcMovePOV(amountRight, amountUp, amountForward) Vector3

Calculate relative position change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.

This is performed taking into account the meshes current rotation, so you do not have to care.

Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.

     * Returns a new [Vector3](/classes/3.1/Vector3).


Name Type Description
amountRight number
amountUp number
amountForward number

rotatePOV(flipBack, twirlClockwise, tiltRight) AbstractMesh

Perform relative rotation change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.

Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.

     * Returns the [AbstractMesh](/classes/3.1/AbstractMesh).


Name Type Description
flipBack number
twirlClockwise number
tiltRight number

calcRotatePOV(flipBack, twirlClockwise, tiltRight) Vector3

Calculate relative rotation change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.

Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.

     * Returns a new [Vector3](/classes/3.1/Vector3).


Name Type Description
flipBack number
twirlClockwise number
tiltRight number

getHierarchyBoundingVectors(includeDescendants) { min: Vector3, max: Vector3 }

Return the minimum and maximum world vectors of the entire hierarchy under current mesh


Name Type Description
optional includeDescendants boolean Include bounding info from descendants as well (true by default).

isInFrustum(frustumPlanes) boolean

Returns true if the mesh is within the frustum defined by the passed array of planes.

A mesh is in the frustum if its bounding box intersects the frustum.

Boolean returned.


Name Type Description
frustumPlanes Plane[]

isCompletelyInFrustum(frustumPlanes) boolean

Returns true if the mesh is completely in the frustum defined be the passed array of planes.

A mesh is completely in the frustum if its bounding box it completely inside the frustum.

Boolean returned.


Name Type Description
frustumPlanes Plane[]

intersectsMesh(mesh, SolidParticle, precise, includeDescendants) boolean

True if the mesh intersects another mesh or a SolidParticle object.

Unless the parameter precise is set to true the intersection is computed according to Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB), else according to OBB (Oriented BBoxes)

includeDescendants can be set to true to test if the mesh defined in parameters intersects with the current mesh or any child meshes

Returns a boolean.


Name Type Description
mesh AbstractMesh or SolidParticle
optional precise boolean
optional includeDescendants boolean

intersectsPoint(point) boolean

Returns true if the passed point (Vector3) is inside the mesh bounding box.

Returns a boolean.


Name Type Description
point Vector3

getPhysicsImpostor() Nullable<PhysicsImpostor>

getPositionInCameraSpace(camera) Vector3


Name Type Description
optional camera Nullable<Camera>

getDistanceToCamera(camera) number

Returns the distance from the mesh to the active camera.

Returns a float.


Name Type Description
optional camera Nullable<Camera>

applyImpulse(force, contactPoint) AbstractMesh


Name Type Description
force Vector3
contactPoint Vector3

setPhysicsLinkWith(otherMesh, pivot1, pivot2, options) AbstractMesh


Name Type Description
otherMesh Mesh
pivot1 Vector3
pivot2 Vector3

moveWithCollisions(displacement) AbstractMesh


Name Type Description
displacement Vector3

createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree(maxCapacity, maxDepth) Octree<SubMesh>

This function will create an octree to help to select the right submeshes for rendering, picking and collision computations.

Please note that you must have a decent number of submeshes to get performance improvements when using an octree.

Returns an Octree of submeshes.


Name Type Description
optional maxCapacity number
optional maxDepth number

intersects(ray, fastCheck) PickingInfo

Checks if the passed Ray intersects with the mesh.

Returns an object PickingInfo.


Name Type Description
ray Ray
optional fastCheck boolean

clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren) Nullable<AbstractMesh>

Clones the mesh, used by the class Mesh.

Just returns null for an AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
name string
newParent Node
optional doNotCloneChildren boolean

releaseSubMeshes() AbstractMesh

Disposes all the mesh submeshes.

Returns the AbstractMesh.

dispose(doNotRecurse, disposeMaterialAndTextures) void

Disposes the AbstractMesh.

By default, all the mesh children are also disposed unless the parameter doNotRecurse is set to true.

Returns nothing.


Name Type Description
optional doNotRecurse boolean
optional disposeMaterialAndTextures boolean

addChild(mesh) AbstractMesh

Adds the passed mesh as a child to the current mesh.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
mesh AbstractMesh

removeChild(mesh) AbstractMesh

Removes the passed mesh from the current mesh children list.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
mesh AbstractMesh

updateFacetData() AbstractMesh

Updates the mesh facetData arrays and the internal partitioning when the mesh is morphed or updated.

This method can be called within the render loop.

You don't need to call this method by yourself in the render loop when you update/morph a mesh with the methods CreateXXX() as they automatically manage this computation.

Returns the AbstractMesh.

getFacetLocalNormals() Vector3[]

Returns the facetLocalNormals array.

The normals are expressed in the mesh local space.

getFacetLocalPositions() Vector3[]

Returns the facetLocalPositions array.

The facet positions are expressed in the mesh local space.

getFacetLocalPartitioning() number[][]

Returns the facetLocalPartioning array.

getFacetPosition(i) Vector3

Returns the i-th facet position in the world system.

This method allocates a new Vector3 per call.


Name Type Description
i number

getFacetPositionToRef(i, ref) AbstractMesh

Sets the reference Vector3 with the i-th facet position in the world system.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
i number
ref Vector3

getFacetNormal(i) Vector3

Returns the i-th facet normal in the world system.

This method allocates a new Vector3 per call.


Name Type Description
i number

getFacetNormalToRef(i, ref)

Sets the reference Vector3 with the i-th facet normal in the world system.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
i number
ref Vector3

getFacetsAtLocalCoordinates(x, y, z) Nullable<number[]>

Returns the facets (in an array) in the same partitioning block than the one the passed coordinates are located (expressed in the mesh local system).


Name Type Description
x number
y number
z number

getClosestFacetAtCoordinates(x, y, z, projected, checkFace, facing) Nullable<number>

Returns the closest mesh facet index at (x,y,z) World coordinates, null if not found.

If the parameter projected (vector3) is passed, it is set as the (x,y,z) World projection on the facet.

If checkFace is true (default false), only the facet "facing" to (x,y,z) or only the ones "turning their backs", according to the parameter "facing" are returned.

If facing and checkFace are true, only the facet "facing" to (x, y, z) are returned : positive dot (x, y, z) * facet position.

If facing si false and checkFace is true, only the facet "turning their backs" to (x, y, z) are returned : negative dot (x, y, z) * facet position.


Name Type Description
x number
y number
z number
optional projected Vector3
optional checkFace boolean

getClosestFacetAtLocalCoordinates(x, y, z, projected, checkFace, facing) Nullable<number>

Returns the closest mesh facet index at (x,y,z) local coordinates, null if not found.

If the parameter projected (vector3) is passed, it is set as the (x,y,z) local projection on the facet.

If checkFace is true (default false), only the facet "facing" to (x,y,z) or only the ones "turning their backs", according to the parameter "facing" are returned.

If facing and checkFace are true, only the facet "facing" to (x, y, z) are returned : positive dot (x, y, z) * facet position.

If facing si false and checkFace is true, only the facet "turning their backs" to (x, y, z) are returned : negative dot (x, y, z) * facet position.


Name Type Description
x number
y number
z number
optional projected Vector3
optional checkFace boolean

getFacetDataParameters() any

Returns the object "parameter" set with all the expected parameters for facetData computation by ComputeNormals()

disableFacetData() AbstractMesh

Disables the feature FacetData and frees the related memory.

Returns the AbstractMesh.

updateIndices(indices) AbstractMesh

Updates the AbstractMesh indices array. Actually, used by the Mesh object.

Returns the mesh.


Name Type Description
indices IndicesArray

createNormals(updatable) void

The mesh Geometry. Actually used by the Mesh object.

Returns a blank geometry object.

Creates new normals data for the mesh.


Name Type Description
updatable boolean .

alignWithNormal(normal, upDirection) AbstractMesh

Align the mesh with a normal.

Returns the mesh.


Name Type Description
normal undefined
optional upDirection undefined

checkOcclusionQuery() void