

class HDRCubeTexture extends BaseTexture

This represents a texture coming from an HDR input.

The only supported format is currently panorama picture stored in RGBE format.

Example of such files can be found on HDRLib: http://hdrlib.com/


new HDRCubeTexture(url, scene, size, noMipmap, generateHarmonics, useInGammaSpace, usePMREMGenerator, onLoad, onError)

Instantiates an HDRTexture from the following parameters.

     * @param url The location of the HDR raw data (Panorama stored in RGBE format)


Name Type Description
url string The location of the HDR raw data (Panorama stored in RGBE format)
scene Scene The scene the texture will be used in
optional size number The cubemap desired size (the more it increases the longer the generation will be) If the size is omitted this implies you are using a preprocessed cubemap.
optional noMipmap boolean Forces to not generate the mipmap if true
optional generateHarmonics boolean Specifies wether you want to extract the polynomial harmonics during the generation process
optional useInGammaSpace boolean Specifies if the texture will be use in gamma or linear space (the PBR material requires those texture in linear space, but the standard material would require them in Gamma space)
optional usePMREMGenerator boolean Specifies wether or not to generate the CubeMap through CubeMapGen to avoid seams issue at run time.
optional onLoad Nullable<() => void>


url : string

The texture URL.

coordinatesMode : number

The texture coordinates mode. As this texture is stored in a cube format, please modify carefully.

isPMREM : boolean

Specifies wether the texture has been generated through the PMREMGenerator tool.

This is usefull at run time to apply the good shader.

isBlocking : boolean

Gets wether or not the texture is blocking during loading.

Sets wether or not the texture is blocking during loading.

void : undefined

onError : () => void


clone() HDRCubeTexture

delayLoad() void

getReflectionTextureMatrix() Matrix

setReflectionTextureMatrix(value) void


Name Type Description
value Matrix

static Parse(parsedTexture, scene, rootUrl) Nullable<HDRCubeTexture>


Name Type Description
parsedTexture any
scene Scene
rootUrl string

serialize() any

static generateBabylonHDROnDisk(url, size, onError) (url, size, onError)

Saves as a file the data contained in the texture in a binary format.

This can be used to prevent the long loading tie associated with creating the seamless texture as well

as the spherical used in the lighting.

@return The packed binary data.


Name Type Description
url string The HDR file url.
size number The size of the texture data to generate (one of the cubemap face desired width).
optional onError Nullable<() => () => void> Method called if any error happens during download.

static generateBabylonHDR(url, size, callback) (url, size, callback)

Serializes the data contained in the texture in a binary format.

This can be used to prevent the long loading tie associated with creating the seamless texture as well

as the spherical used in the lighting.

@return The packed binary data.


Name Type Description
url string The HDR file url.
size number The size of the texture data to generate (one of the cubemap face desired width).

Nullable() ()