

class HDRTools

This groups tools to convert HDR texture to native colors array.


static RGBE_ReadHeader(uint8array) HDRInfo

Reads header information from an RGBE texture stored in a native array.

More information on this format are available here:


     * @param uint8array The binary file stored in  native array.

@return The header information.


Name Type Description
uint8array Uint8Array The binary file stored in native array.

static GetCubeMapTextureData(buffer, size) CubeMapInfo

Returns the cubemap information (each faces texture data) extracted from an RGBE texture.

This RGBE texture needs to store the information as a panorama.

     * More information on this format are available here:


     * @param buffer The binary file stored in an array buffer.

@return The Cube Map information.


Name Type Description
buffer ArrayBuffer The binary file stored in an array buffer.
size number The expected size of the extracted cubemap.

static RGBE_ReadPixels(uint8array, hdrInfo) Float32Array

Returns the pixels data extracted from an RGBE texture.

This pixels will be stored left to right up to down in the R G B order in one array.

     * More information on this format are available here:


     * @param uint8array The binary file stored in an array buffer.

@return The pixels data in RGB right to left up to down order.


Name Type Description
uint8array Uint8Array The binary file stored in an array buffer.
hdrInfo HDRInfo The header information of the file.