

class MeshBuilder


static CreateBox(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a box mesh.

tuto :

The parameter size sets the size (float) of each box side (default 1).

You can set some different box dimensions by using the parameters width, height and depth (all by default have the same value than size).

You can set different colors and different images to each box side by using the parameters faceColors (an array of 6 Color3 elements) and faceUV (an array of 6 Vector4 elements).

Please read this tutorial :

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { size: number, width: number, height: number, depth: number, faceUV: Vector4[], faceColors: Color4[], sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, updatable: boolean }
optional scene Nullable<Scene>

static CreateSphere(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a sphere mesh.

tuto :

The parameter diameter sets the diameter size (float) of the sphere (default 1).

You can set some different sphere dimensions, for instance to build an ellipsoid, by using the parameters diameterX, diameterY and diameterZ (all by default have the same value than diameter).

The parameter segments sets the sphere number of horizontal stripes (positive integer, default 32).

You can create an unclosed sphere with the parameter arc (positive float, default 1), valued between 0 and 1, what is the ratio of the circumference (latitude) : 2 x PI x ratio

You can create an unclosed sphere on its height with the parameter slice (positive float, default1), valued between 0 and 1, what is the height ratio (longitude).

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { segments: number, diameter: number, diameterX: number, diameterY: number, diameterZ: number, arc: number, slice: number, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, updatable: boolean }
scene any

static CreateDisc(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a plane polygonal mesh. By default, this is a disc.

tuto :

The parameter radius sets the radius size (float) of the polygon (default 0.5).

The parameter tessellation sets the number of polygon sides (positive integer, default 64). So a tessellation valued to 3 will build a triangle, to 4 a square, etc.

You can create an unclosed polygon with the parameter arc (positive float, default 1), valued between 0 and 1, what is the ratio of the circumference : 2 x PI x ratio

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { radius: number, tessellation: number, arc: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
optional scene Nullable<Scene>

static CreateIcoSphere(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a sphere based upon an icosahedron with 20 triangular faces which can be subdivided.

tuto :

The parameter radius sets the radius size (float) of the icosphere (default 1).

You can set some different icosphere dimensions, for instance to build an ellipsoid, by using the parameters radiusX, radiusY and radiusZ (all by default have the same value than radius).

The parameter subdivisions sets the number of subdivisions (postive integer, default 4). The more subdivisions, the more faces on the icosphere whatever its size.

The parameter flat (boolean, default true) gives each side its own normals. Set it to false to get a smooth continuous light reflection on the surface.

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { radius: number, radiusX: number, radiusY: number, radiusZ: number, flat: boolean, subdivisions: number, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, updatable: boolean }
scene Scene

static CreateRibbon(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a ribbon mesh.

The ribbon is a parametric shape : It has no predefined shape. Its final shape will depend on the input parameters.

     * Please read this full tutorial to understand how to design a ribbon :

The parameter pathArray is a required array of paths, what are each an array of successive Vector3. The pathArray parameter depicts the ribbon geometry.

The parameter closeArray (boolean, default false) creates a seam between the first and the last paths of the path array.

The parameter closePath (boolean, default false) creates a seam between the first and the last points of each path of the path array.

The parameter offset (positive integer, default : rounded half size of the pathArray length), is taken in account only if the pathArray is containing a single path.

It's the offset to join the points from the same path. Ex : offset = 10 means the point 1 is joined to the point 11.

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing Ribbon object to be updated with the passed pathArray parameter :

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The optional parameter invertUV (boolean, default false) swaps in the geometry the U and V coordinates to apply a texture.

The parameter uvs is an optional flat array of [Vector2](/classes/3.1/Vector2) to update/set each ribbon vertex with its own custom UV values instead of the computed ones.

The parameters colors is an optional flat array of [Color4](/classes/3.1/Color4) to set/update each ribbon vertex with its own custom color values.

Note that if you use the parameters uvs or colors, the passed arrays must be populated with the right number of elements, it is to say the number of ribbon vertices. Remember that

if you set closePath to true, there's one extra vertex per path in the geometry.

Moreover, you can use the parameter color with instance (to update the ribbon), only if you previously used it at creation time.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { pathArray: Vector3[][], closeArray: boolean, closePath: boolean, offset: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, instance: Mesh, invertUV: boolean, uvs: Vector2[], colors: Color4[] }
optional scene Nullable<Scene>

static CreateCylinder(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a cylinder or a cone mesh.

tuto :

The parameter height sets the height size (float) of the cylinder/cone (float, default 2).

The parameter diameter sets the diameter of the top and bottom cap at once (float, default 1).

The parameters diameterTop and diameterBottom overwrite the parameter diameter and set respectively the top cap and bottom cap diameter (floats, default 1). The parameter "diameterBottom" can't be zero.

The parameter tessellation sets the number of cylinder sides (positive integer, default 24). Set it to 3 to get a prism for instance.

The parameter subdivisions sets the number of rings along the cylinder height (positive integer, default 1).

The parameter hasRings (boolean, default false) makes the subdivisions independent from each other, so they become different faces.

The parameter enclose (boolean, default false) adds two extra faces per subdivision to a sliced cylinder to close it around its height axis.

The parameter arc (float, default 1) is the ratio (max 1) to apply to the circumference to slice the cylinder.

You can set different colors and different images to each box side by using the parameters faceColors (an array of n Color3 elements) and faceUV (an array of n Vector4 elements).

The value of n is the number of cylinder faces. If the cylinder has only 1 subdivisions, n equals : top face + cylinder surface + bottom face = 3

Now, if the cylinder has 5 independent subdivisions (hasRings = true), n equals : top face + 5 stripe surfaces + bottom face = 2 + 5 = 7

Finally, if the cylinder has 5 independent subdivisions and is enclose, n equals : top face + 5 x (stripe surface + 2 closing faces) + bottom face = 2 + 5 * 3 = 17

Each array (color or UVs) is always ordered the same way : the first element is the bottom cap, the last element is the top cap. The other elements are each a ring surface.

If enclose is false, a ring surface is one element.

If enclose is true, a ring surface is 3 successive elements in the array : the tubular surface, then the two closing faces.

Example how to set colors and textures on a sliced cylinder :

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { height: number, diameterTop: number, diameterBottom: number, diameter: number, tessellation: number, subdivisions: number, arc: number, faceColors: Color4[], faceUV: Vector4[], updatable: boolean, hasRings: boolean, enclose: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
scene any

static CreateTorus(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a torus mesh.

tuto :

The parameter diameter sets the diameter size (float) of the torus (default 1).

The parameter thickness sets the diameter size of the tube of the torus (float, default 0.5).

The parameter tessellation sets the number of torus sides (postive integer, default 16).

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { diameter: number, thickness: number, tessellation: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
scene any

static CreateTorusKnot(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a torus knot mesh.

tuto :

The parameter radius sets the global radius size (float) of the torus knot (default 2).

The parameter radialSegments sets the number of sides on each tube segments (positive integer, default 32).

The parameter tubularSegments sets the number of tubes to decompose the knot into (positive integer, default 32).

The parameters p and q are the number of windings on each axis (positive integers, default 2 and 3).

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { radius: number, tube: number, radialSegments: number, tubularSegments: number, p: number, q: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
scene any

static CreateLineSystem(name, options, scene) LinesMesh

Creates a line system mesh.

A line system is a pool of many lines gathered in a single mesh.

tuto :

A line system mesh is considered as a parametric shape since it has no predefined original shape. Its shape is determined by the passed array of lines as an input parameter.

Like every other parametric shape, it is dynamically updatable by passing an existing instance of LineSystem to this static function.

The parameter lines is an array of lines, each line being an array of successive Vector3.

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing LineSystem object to be updated with the passed lines parameter. The way to update it is the same than for

The optional parameter colors is an array of line colors, each line colors being an array of successive Color4, one per line point.

The optional parameter useVertexAlpha' is to be set tofalse(defaulttrue`) when you don't need the alpha blending (faster).

updating a simple Line mesh, you just need to update every line in the lines array :

When updating an instance, remember that only line point positions can change, not the number of points, neither the number of lines.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { lines: Vector3[][], updatable: boolean, instance: Nullable<LinesMesh>, colors: Nullable<Color4[][]>, useVertexAlpha: boolean }
scene Nullable<Scene>

static CreateLines(name, options, scene) LinesMesh

Creates a line mesh.

tuto :

A line mesh is considered as a parametric shape since it has no predefined original shape. Its shape is determined by the passed array of points as an input parameter.

Like every other parametric shape, it is dynamically updatable by passing an existing instance of LineMesh to this static function.

The parameter points is an array successive Vector3.

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing LineMesh object to be updated with the passed points parameter :

The optional parameter colors is an array of successive Color4, one per line point.

The optional parameter useVertexAlpha' is to be set tofalse(defaulttrue`) when you don't need alpha blending (faster).

When updating an instance, remember that only point positions can change, not the number of points.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { points: Vector3[], updatable: boolean, instance: Nullable<LinesMesh>, colors: Color4[], useVertexAlpha: boolean }
optional scene Nullable<Scene>

static CreateDashedLines(name, options, scene) LinesMesh

Creates a dashed line mesh.

tuto :

A dashed line mesh is considered as a parametric shape since it has no predefined original shape. Its shape is determined by the passed array of points as an input parameter.

Like every other parametric shape, it is dynamically updatable by passing an existing instance of LineMesh to this static function.

The parameter points is an array successive Vector3.

The parameter dashNb is the intended total number of dashes (positive integer, default 200).

The parameter dashSize is the size of the dashes relatively the dash number (positive float, default 3).

The parameter gapSize is the size of the gap between two successive dashes relatively the dash number (positive float, default 1).

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing LineMesh object to be updated with the passed points parameter :

When updating an instance, remember that only point positions can change, not the number of points.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { points: Vector3[], dashSize: number, gapSize: number, dashNb: number, updatable: boolean, instance: LinesMesh }
optional scene Nullable<Scene>

static ExtrudeShape(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates an extruded shape mesh.

The extrusion is a parametric shape : It has no predefined shape. Its final shape will depend on the input parameters.

tuto :

     * Please read this full tutorial to understand how to design an extruded shape :

The parameter shape is a required array of successive Vector3. This array depicts the shape to be extruded in its local space : the shape must be designed in the xOy plane and will be

extruded along the Z axis.

The parameter path is a required array of successive Vector3. This is the axis curve the shape is extruded along.

The parameter rotation (float, default 0 radians) is the angle value to rotate the shape each step (each path point), from the former step (so rotation added each step) along the curve.

The parameter scale (float, default 1) is the value to scale the shape.

The parameter cap sets the way the extruded shape is capped. Possible values : BABYLON.Mesh.NO_CAP (default), BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_START, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_END, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing ExtrudedShape object to be updated with the passed shape, path, scale or rotation parameters :

Remember you can only change the shape or path point positions, not their number when updating an extruded shape.

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The optional parameter invertUV (boolean, default false) swaps in the geometry the U and V coordinates to apply a texture.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { shape: Vector3[], path: Vector3[], scale: number, rotation: number, cap: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, instance: Mesh, invertUV: boolean }
optional scene Nullable<Scene>

static ExtrudeShapeCustom(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates an custom extruded shape mesh.

The custom extrusion is a parametric shape : It has no predefined shape. Its final shape will depend on the input parameters.

tuto :

     * Please read this full tutorial to understand how to design a custom extruded shape :

The parameter shape is a required array of successive Vector3. This array depicts the shape to be extruded in its local space : the shape must be designed in the xOy plane and will be

extruded along the Z axis.

The parameter path is a required array of successive Vector3. This is the axis curve the shape is extruded along.

The parameter rotationFunction (JS function) is a custom Javascript function called on each path point. This function is passed the position i of the point in the path

and the distance of this point from the begining of the path :

var rotationFunction = function(i, distance) {

    // do things

    return rotationValue; }

It must returns a float value that will be the rotation in radians applied to the shape on each path point.

The parameter scaleFunction (JS function) is a custom Javascript function called on each path point. This function is passed the position i of the point in the path

and the distance of this point from the begining of the path :

var scaleFunction = function(i, distance) {

    // do things

    return scaleValue;}

It must returns a float value that will be the scale value applied to the shape on each path point.

The parameter ribbonClosePath (boolean, default false) forces the extrusion underlying ribbon to close all the paths in its pathArray.

The parameter ribbonCloseArray (boolean, default false) forces the extrusion underlying ribbon to close its pathArray.

The parameter cap sets the way the extruded shape is capped. Possible values : BABYLON.Mesh.NO_CAP (default), BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_START, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_END, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing ExtrudedShape object to be updated with the passed shape, path, scale or rotation parameters :

Remember you can only change the shape or path point positions, not their number when updating an extruded shape.

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The optional parameter invertUV (boolean, default false) swaps in the geometry the U and V coordinates to apply a texture.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { shape: Vector3[], path: Vector3[], scaleFunction: any, rotationFunction: any, ribbonCloseArray: boolean, ribbonClosePath: boolean, cap: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, instance: Mesh, invertUV: boolean }
scene Scene

static CreateLathe(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates lathe mesh.

The lathe is a shape with a symetry axis : a 2D model shape is rotated around this axis to design the lathe.

tuto :

     * The parameter `shape` is a required array of successive [Vector3](/classes/3.1/Vector3). This array depicts the shape to be rotated in its local space : the shape must be designed in the xOy plane and will be

rotated around the Y axis. It's usually a 2D shape, so the Vector3 z coordinates are often set to zero.

The parameter radius (positive float, default 1) is the radius value of the lathe.

The parameter tessellation (positive integer, default 64) is the side number of the lathe.

The parameter arc (positive float, default 1) is the ratio of the lathe. 0.5 builds for instance half a lathe, so an opened shape.

The parameter closed (boolean, default true) opens/closes the lathe circumference. This should be set to false when used with the parameter "arc".

The parameter cap sets the way the extruded shape is capped. Possible values : BABYLON.Mesh.NO_CAP (default), BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_START, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_END, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The optional parameter invertUV (boolean, default false) swaps in the geometry the U and V coordinates to apply a texture.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { shape: Vector3[], radius: number, tessellation: number, arc: number, closed: boolean, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, cap: number, invertUV: boolean }
scene Scene

static CreatePlane(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a plane mesh.

tuto :

The parameter size sets the size (float) of both sides of the plane at once (default 1).

You can set some different plane dimensions by using the parameters width and height (both by default have the same value than size).

The parameter sourcePlane is a Plane instance. It builds a mesh plane from a Math plane.

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { size: number, width: number, height: number, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, updatable: boolean, sourcePlane: Plane }
scene Scene

static CreateGround(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a ground mesh.

tuto :

The parameters width and height (floats, default 1) set the width and height sizes of the ground.

The parameter subdivisions (positive integer) sets the number of subdivisions per side.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { width: number, height: number, subdivisions: number, subdivisionsX: number, subdivisionsY: number, updatable: boolean }
scene any

static CreateTiledGround(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a tiled ground mesh.

tuto :

The parameters xmin and xmax (floats, default -1 and 1) set the ground minimum and maximum X coordinates.

The parameters zmin and zmax (floats, default -1 and 1) set the ground minimum and maximum Z coordinates.

The parameter subdivisions is a javascript object {w: positive integer, h: positive integer} (default {w: 6, h: 6}). w and h are the

numbers of subdivisions on the ground width and height. Each subdivision is called a tile.

The parameter precision is a javascript object {w: positive integer, h: positive integer} (default {w: 2, h: 2}). w and h are the

numbers of subdivisions on the ground width and height of each tile.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { xmin: number, zmin: number, xmax: number, zmax: number, subdivisions: { w: number, h: number }, precision: { w: number, h: number }, updatable: boolean }
scene Scene

static CreateGroundFromHeightMap(name, url, options, scene) GroundMesh

Creates a ground mesh from a height map.

tuto :

tuto :

The parameter url sets the URL of the height map image resource.

The parameters width and height (positive floats, default 10) set the ground width and height sizes.

The parameter subdivisions (positive integer, default 1) sets the number of subdivision per side.

The parameter minHeight (float, default 0) is the minimum altitude on the ground.

The parameter maxHeight (float, default 1) is the maximum altitude on the ground.

The parameter colorFilter (optional Color3, default (0.3, 0.59, 0.11) ) is the filter to apply to the image pixel colors to compute the height.

The parameter onReady is a javascript callback function that will be called once the mesh is just built (the height map download can last some time).

This function is passed the newly built mesh :

function(mesh) { // do things

    return; }

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
url string
options { width: number, height: number, subdivisions: number, minHeight: number, maxHeight: number, colorFilter: Color3, updatable: boolean, onReady: (mesh: GroundMesh) => void }

static CreatePolygon(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a polygon mesh.

The polygon's shape will depend on the input parameters and is constructed parallel to a ground mesh.

The parameter shape is a required array of successive Vector3 representing the corners of the polygon in th XoZ plane, that is y = 0 for all vectors.

You can set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Remember you can only change the shape positions, not their number when updating a polygon.


Name Type Description
name string
options { shape: Vector3[], holes: Vector3[][], depth: number, faceUV: Vector4[], faceColors: Color4[], updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
scene Scene

static ExtrudePolygon(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates an extruded polygon mesh, with depth in the Y direction.

You can set different colors and different images to the top, bottom and extruded side by using the parameters faceColors (an array of 3 Color3 elements) and faceUV (an array of 3 Vector4 elements).

Please read this tutorial :


Name Type Description
name string
options { shape: Vector3[], holes: Vector3[][], depth: number, faceUV: Vector4[], faceColors: Color4[], updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
scene Scene

static CreateTube(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a tube mesh.

The tube is a parametric shape : It has no predefined shape. Its final shape will depend on the input parameters.

     * tuto :

The parameter path is a required array of successive Vector3. It is the curve used as the axis of the tube.

The parameter radius (positive float, default 1) sets the tube radius size.

The parameter tessellation (positive float, default 64) is the number of sides on the tubular surface.

The parameter radiusFunction (javascript function, default null) is a vanilla javascript function. If it is not null, it overwrittes the parameter radius.

This function is called on each point of the tube path and is passed the index i of the i-th point and the distance of this point from the first point of the path.

It must return a radius value (positive float) :

var radiusFunction = function(i, distance) {

    // do things

    return radius; }

The parameter arc (positive float, maximum 1, default 1) is the ratio to apply to the tube circumference : 2 x PI x arc.

The parameter cap sets the way the extruded shape is capped. Possible values : BABYLON.Mesh.NO_CAP (default), BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_START, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_END, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL

The optional parameter instance is an instance of an existing Tube object to be updated with the passed pathArray parameter :

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The optional parameter invertUV (boolean, default false) swaps in the geometry the U and V coordinates to apply a texture.

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { path: Vector3[], radius: number, tessellation: number, radiusFunction: { (i, distance): number }, cap: number, arc: number, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4, instance: Mesh, invertUV: boolean }
scene Scene

static CreatePolyhedron(name, options, scene) Mesh

Creates a polyhedron mesh.

     * tuto :

The parameter type (positive integer, max 14, default 0) sets the polyhedron type to build among the 15 embbeded types. Please refer to the type sheet in the tutorial

to choose the wanted type.

The parameter size (positive float, default 1) sets the polygon size.

You can overwrite the size on each dimension bu using the parameters sizeX, sizeY or sizeZ (positive floats, default to size value).

You can build other polyhedron types than the 15 embbeded ones by setting the parameter custom (polyhedronObject, default null). If you set the parameter custom, this overwrittes the parameter type.

A polyhedronObject is a formatted javascript object. You'll find a full file with pre-set polyhedra here :

You can set the color and the UV of each side of the polyhedron with the parameters faceColors (Color4, default (1, 1, 1, 1)) and faceUV (Vector4, default (0, 0, 1, 1)).

To understand how to set faceUV or faceColors, please read this by considering the right number of faces of your polyhedron, instead of only 6 for the box :

The parameter flat (boolean, default true). If set to false, it gives the polyhedron a single global face, so less vertices and shared normals. In this case, faceColors and faceUV are ignored.

You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE

If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4).

Detail here :

The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


Name Type Description
name string
options { type: number, size: number, sizeX: number, sizeY: number, sizeZ: number, custom: any, faceUV: Vector4[], faceColors: Color4[], flat: boolean, updatable: boolean, sideOrientation: number, frontUVs: Vector4, backUVs: Vector4 }
scene Scene

static CreateDecal(name, sourceMesh, options) Mesh

Creates a decal mesh.

tuto :

A decal is a mesh usually applied as a model onto the surface of another mesh. So don't forget the parameter sourceMesh depicting the decal.

The parameter position (Vector3, default (0, 0, 0)) sets the position of the decal in World coordinates.

The parameter normal (Vector3, default [Vector3](/classes/3.1/Vector3).Up) sets the normal of the mesh where the decal is applied onto in World coordinates.

The parameter size (Vector3, default (1, 1, 1)) sets the decal scaling.

The parameter angle (float in radian, default 0) sets the angle to rotate the decal.


Name Type Description
name string
sourceMesh AbstractMesh
options { position: Vector3, normal: Vector3, size: Vector3, angle: number }