

class PBRBaseSimpleMaterial extends PBRBaseMaterial


new PBRBaseSimpleMaterial(name, scene)

Instantiates a new PBRMaterial instance.

     * @param name The material name


Name Type Description
name string The material name
scene Scene The scene the material will be use in.


maxSimultaneousLights : number

Number of Simultaneous lights allowed on the material.

disableLighting : boolean

If sets to true, disables all the lights affecting the material.

environmentTexture : BaseTexture

Environment Texture used in the material (this is use for both reflection and environment lighting).

invertNormalMapX : boolean

If sets to true, x component of normal map value will invert (x = 1.0 - x).

invertNormalMapY : boolean

If sets to true, y component of normal map value will invert (y = 1.0 - y).

normalTexture : BaseTexture

Normal map used in the model.

emissiveColor : Color3

Emissivie color used to self-illuminate the model.

emissiveTexture : BaseTexture

Emissivie texture used to self-illuminate the model.

occlusionStrength : number

Occlusion Channel Strenght.

occlusionTexture : BaseTexture

Occlusion Texture of the material (adding extra occlusion effects).

alphaCutOff : number

Defines the alpha limits in alpha test mode.

doubleSided : boolean

Gets the current double sided mode.

If sets to true and backfaceCulling is false, normals will be flipped on the backside.

lightmapTexture : BaseTexture

useLightmapAsShadowmap : boolean


getActiveTextures() BaseTexture[]

Return the active textures of the material.

hasTexture(texture) boolean


Name Type Description
texture BaseTexture

getClassName() string