

class PerfCounter

This class is used to track a performance counter which is number based.

The user has access to many properties which give statistics of different nature

The implementer can track two kinds of Performance Counter: time and count

For time you can optionally call fetchNewFrame() to notify the start of a new frame to monitor, then call beginMonitoring() to start and endMonitoring() to record the lapsed time. endMonitoring takes a newFrame parameter for you to specify if the monitored time should be set for a new frame or accumulated to the current frame being monitored.

For count you first have to call fetchNewFrame() to notify the start of a new frame to monitor, then call addCount() how many time required to increment the count value you monitor.


new PerfCounter()


static Enabled : boolean

min : number

Returns the smallest value ever

max : number

Returns the biggest value ever

average : number

Returns the average value since the performance counter is running

lastSecAverage : number

Returns the average value of the last second the counter was monitored

current : number

Returns the current value

total : number

count : number


fetchNewFrame() void

Call this method to start monitoring a new frame.

This scenario is typically used when you accumulate monitoring time many times for a single frame, you call this method at the start of the frame, then beginMonitoring to start recording and endMonitoring(false) to accumulated the recorded time to the PerfCounter or addCount() to accumulate a monitored count.

addCount(newCount, fetchResult) void

Call this method to monitor a count of something (e.g. mesh drawn in viewport count)


Name Type Description
newCount number the count value to add to the monitored count
fetchResult boolean true when it's the last time in the frame you add to the counter and you wish to update the statistics properties (min/max/average), false if you only want to update statistics.

beginMonitoring() void

Start monitoring this performance counter

endMonitoring(newFrame) void

Compute the time lapsed since the previous beginMonitoring() call.


Name Type Description
optional newFrame boolean true by default to fetch the result and monitor a new frame, if false the time monitored will be added to the current frame counter