

class PhysicsImpostor


new PhysicsImpostor(object, type, _options, _scene, undefined)


Name Type Description
object IPhysicsEnabledObject
type number
optional _options PhysicsImpostorParameters


object : IPhysicsEnabledObject

type : number

static DEFAULT_OBJECT_SIZE : Vector3

static IDENTITY_QUATERNION : Quaternion

isDisposed : boolean

mass : number

friction : number

restitution : number

uniqueId : number

physicsBody : any

Gets the body that holds this impostor. Either its own, or its parent.

Set the physics body. Used mainly by the physics engine/plugin

parent : Nullable<PhysicsImpostor>

void : undefined

beforeStep : () => void

this function is executed by the physics engine.

afterStep : () => void

this function is executed by the physics engine.

onCollideEvent : Nullable<(collider: undefined, collidedWith: undefined) => void>

Legacy collision detection event support

onCollide : (e: { body: any }) => void


Name Type Description
e { body: any }

static NoImpostor : number

static SphereImpostor : number

static BoxImpostor : number

static PlaneImpostor : number

static MeshImpostor : number

static CylinderImpostor : number

static ParticleImpostor : number

static HeightmapImpostor : number


isBodyInitRequired() boolean

Should a new body be generated.

setScalingUpdated(updated) void


Name Type Description
updated boolean

forceUpdate() void

Force a regeneration of this or the parent's impostor's body.

Use under cautious - This will remove all joints already implemented.

resetUpdateFlags() void

getObjectExtendSize() Vector3

getObjectCenter() Vector3

getParam(paramName) any

Get a specific parametes from the options parameter.


Name Type Description
paramName string

setParam(paramName, value) void

Sets a specific parameter in the options given to the physics plugin


Name Type Description
paramName string
value number

setMass(mass) void

Specifically change the body's mass option. Won't recreate the physics body object


Name Type Description
mass number

getLinearVelocity() Nullable<Vector3>

setLinearVelocity(velocity) void


Name Type Description
velocity Nullable<Vector3>

getAngularVelocity() Nullable<Vector3>

setAngularVelocity(velocity) void


Name Type Description
velocity Nullable<Vector3>

executeNativeFunction(func) void

Execute a function with the physics plugin native code.

Provide a function the will have two variables - the world object and the physics body object.


Name Type Description
func world any
physicsBody any

registerBeforePhysicsStep(func) void

Register a function that will be executed before the physics world is stepping forward.


Name Type Description
func impostor PhysicsImpostor


unregisterBeforePhysicsStep(func) void


Name Type Description
func impostor PhysicsImpostor


registerAfterPhysicsStep(func) void

Register a function that will be executed after the physics step


Name Type Description
func impostor PhysicsImpostor


unregisterAfterPhysicsStep(func) void


Name Type Description
func impostor PhysicsImpostor


registerOnPhysicsCollide(collideAgainst, Array, func) void

register a function that will be executed when this impostor collides against a different body.


Name Type Description
collideAgainst PhysicsImpostor or Array
func collider PhysicsImpostor
collidedAgainst PhysicsImpostor

unregisterOnPhysicsCollide(collideAgainst, Array, func) (collideAgainst, Array, func)


Name Type Description
collideAgainst PhysicsImpostor or Array
func collider PhysicsImpostor
collidedAgainst PhysicsImpostor or Array

getParentsRotation() Quaternion

applyForce(force, contactPoint) PhysicsImpostor

Apply a force


Name Type Description
force Vector3
contactPoint Vector3

applyImpulse(force, contactPoint) PhysicsImpostor

Apply an impulse


Name Type Description
force Vector3
contactPoint Vector3

createJoint(otherImpostor, jointType, jointData) PhysicsImpostor

A help function to create a joint.


Name Type Description
otherImpostor PhysicsImpostor
jointType number
jointData PhysicsJointData

addJoint(otherImpostor, joint) PhysicsImpostor

Add a joint to this impostor with a different impostor.


Name Type Description
otherImpostor PhysicsImpostor
joint PhysicsJoint

sleep() PhysicsImpostor

Will keep this body still, in a sleep mode.

wakeUp() PhysicsImpostor

Wake the body up.

clone(newObject) Nullable<PhysicsImpostor>


Name Type Description
newObject IPhysicsEnabledObject

dispose() void

setDeltaPosition(position) void


Name Type Description
position Vector3

setDeltaRotation(rotation) void


Name Type Description
rotation Quaternion

getBoxSizeToRef(result) PhysicsImpostor


Name Type Description
result Vector3

getRadius() number

syncBoneWithImpostor(bone, boneMesh, jointPivot, distToJoint, adjustRotation) void

Sync a bone with this impostor


Name Type Description
bone Bone The bone to sync to the impostor.
boneMesh AbstractMesh The mesh that the bone is influencing.
jointPivot Vector3 The pivot of the joint / bone in local space.
optional distToJoint number Optional distance from the impostor to the joint.

syncImpostorWithBone(bone, boneMesh, jointPivot, distToJoint, adjustRotation, boneAxis) void

Sync impostor to a bone


Name Type Description
bone Bone The bone that the impostor will be synced to.
boneMesh AbstractMesh The mesh that the bone is influencing.
jointPivot Vector3 The pivot of the joint / bone in local space.
optional distToJoint number Optional distance from the impostor to the joint.
optional adjustRotation Quaternion Optional quaternion for adjusting the local rotation of the bone.