

class SceneInstrumentation

This class can be used to get instrumentation data from a Babylon engine


new SceneInstrumentation(scene)


Name Type Description
scene Scene


scene : Scene

activeMeshesEvaluationTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for active meshes evaluation time

captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime : boolean

Gets the active meshes evaluation time capture status

Enable or disable the active meshes evaluation time capture

renderTargetsRenderTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for render targets render time

captureRenderTargetsRenderTime : boolean

Gets the render targets render time capture status

Enable or disable the render targets render time capture

particlesRenderTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for particles render time

captureParticlesRenderTime : boolean

Gets the particles render time capture status

Enable or disable the particles render time capture

spritesRenderTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for sprites render time

captureSpritesRenderTime : boolean

Gets the sprites render time capture status

Enable or disable the sprites render time capture

physicsTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for physics time

capturePhysicsTime : boolean

Gets the physics time capture status

Enable or disable the physics time capture

animationsTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for animations time

captureAnimationsTime : boolean

Gets the animations time capture status

Enable or disable the animations time capture

frameTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for frame time capture

captureFrameTime : boolean

Gets the frame time capture status

Enable or disable the frame time capture

interFrameTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for inter-frames time capture

captureInterFrameTime : boolean

Gets the inter-frames time capture status

Enable or disable the inter-frames time capture

renderTimeCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for render time capture

captureRenderTime : boolean

Gets the render time capture status

Enable or disable the render time capture

drawCallsCounter : PerfCounter

Gets the perf counter used for frame time capture


dispose() void