

class StringDictionary

This class implement a typical dictionary using a string as key and the generic type T as value.

The underlying implementation relies on an associative array to ensure the best performances.

The value can be anything including 'null' but except 'undefined'


undefined : undefined

count : number

null : undefined


copyFrom(source) void

This will clear this dictionary and copy the content from the 'source' one.

If the T value is a custom object, it won't be copied/cloned, the same object will be used


Name Type Description
source StringDictionary<T> the dictionary to take the content from and copy to this dictionary

get(key) T

Get a value based from its key

@return the value if found, otherwise undefined is returned


Name Type Description
key string the given key to get the matching value from

getOrAddWithFactory(key, factory) T

Get a value from its key or add it if it doesn't exist.

This method will ensure you that a given key/data will be present in the dictionary.

The factory will only be invoked if there's no data for the given key.

@return the value corresponding to the key.


Name Type Description
key string the given key to get the matching value from
factory key string

getOrAdd(key, val) T

Get a value from its key if present in the dictionary otherwise add it

@return the value corresponding to the key


Name Type Description
key string the key to get the value from
val T if there's no such key/value pair in the dictionary add it with this value

contains(key) boolean

Check if there's a given key in the dictionary

@return true if the key is present, false otherwise


Name Type Description
key string the key to check for

add(key, value) boolean

Add a new key and its corresponding value

@return true if the operation completed successfully, false if we couldn't insert the key/value because there was already this key in the dictionary


Name Type Description
key string the key to add
value T the value corresponding to the key

set(key, value) boolean


Name Type Description
key string
value T

getAndRemove(key) Nullable<T>

Get the element of the given key and remove it from the dictionary


Name Type Description
key string

remove(key) boolean

Remove a key/value from the dictionary.

@return true if the item was successfully deleted, false if no item with such key exist in the dictionary


Name Type Description
key string the key to remove

clear() void

Clear the whole content of the dictionary

forEach(callback) void

Execute a callback on each key/val of the dictionary.

Note that you can remove any element in this dictionary in the callback implementation


Name Type Description
callback key string
val T

first(callback) TRes

Execute a callback on every occurrence of the dictionary until it returns a valid TRes object.

If the callback returns null or undefined the method will iterate to the next key/value pair

Note that you can remove any element in this dictionary in the callback implementation


Name Type Description
callback key string
val T