

class TransformNode extends Node


new TransformNode(name, scene, isPure)


Name Type Description
name string
optional scene Nullable<Scene>
optional isPure boolean


static BILLBOARDMODE_NONE : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_X : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_Y : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_Z : number

static BILLBOARDMODE_ALL : number

billboardMode : number

scalingDeterminant : number

infiniteDistance : boolean

position : Vector3

onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable : Observable<TransformNode>

An event triggered after the world matrix is updated

@type {BABYLON.Observable}

rotation : Vector3

Rotation property : a Vector3 depicting the rotation value in radians around each local axis X, Y, Z.

If rotation quaternion is set, this Vector3 will (almost always) be the Zero vector!

Default : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

scaling : Vector3

Scaling property : a Vector3 depicting the mesh scaling along each local axis X, Y, Z.

Default : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Scaling property : a Vector3 depicting the mesh scaling along each local axis X, Y, Z.

Default : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

rotationQuaternion : Nullable<Quaternion>

Rotation Quaternion property : this a Quaternion object depicting the mesh rotation by using a unit quaternion.

It's null by default.

If set, only the rotationQuaternion is then used to compute the mesh rotation and its property `.rotation\ is then ignored and set to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

worldMatrixFromCache : Matrix

Returns directly the latest state of the mesh World matrix.

A Matrix is returned.

absolutePosition : Vector3

Returns the current mesh absolute position.

Retuns a Vector3.

this : ()

isWorldMatrixFrozen : boolean

True if the World matrix has been frozen.

Returns a boolean.

nonUniformScaling : boolean


getWorldMatrix() Matrix

Returns the latest update of the World matrix

Returns a Matrix.

updatePoseMatrix(matrix) TransformNode

Copies the paramater passed Matrix into the mesh Pose matrix.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
matrix Matrix

getPoseMatrix() Matrix

Returns the mesh Pose matrix.

Returned object : Matrix

markAsDirty(property) TransformNode


Name Type Description
property string

setPivotMatrix(matrix, postMultiplyPivotMatrix) TransformNode

Sets a new pivot matrix to the mesh.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
matrix Matrix
optional postMultiplyPivotMatrix boolean

getPivotMatrix() Matrix

Returns the mesh pivot matrix.

Default : Identity.

A Matrix is returned.

freezeWorldMatrix() TransformNode

Prevents the World matrix to be computed any longer.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Allows back the World matrix computation.

Returns the AbstractMesh.

getAbsolutePosition() Vector3

Retuns the mesh absolute position in the World.

Returns a Vector3.

setAbsolutePosition(absolutePosition) TransformNode

Sets the mesh absolute position in the World from a Vector3 or an Array(3).

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
absolutePosition Vector3

setPositionWithLocalVector(vector3) TransformNode

Sets the mesh position in its local space.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
vector3 Vector3

getPositionExpressedInLocalSpace() Vector3

Returns the mesh position in the local space from the current World matrix values.

Returns a new Vector3.

locallyTranslate(vector3) TransformNode

Translates the mesh along the passed Vector3 in its local space.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
vector3 Vector3

lookAt(targetPoint, yawCor, pitchCor, rollCor, space) TransformNode

Orients a mesh towards a target point. Mesh must be drawn facing user.

@returns the TransformNode.


Name Type Description
targetPoint Vector3 the position (must be in same space as current mesh) to look at
optional yawCor number optional yaw (y-axis) correction in radians
optional pitchCor number optional pitch (x-axis) correction in radians
optional rollCor number optional roll (z-axis) correction in radians

getDirection(localAxis) Vector3

Returns a new Vector3 what is the localAxis, expressed in the mesh local space, rotated like the mesh.

This Vector3 is expressed in the World space.


Name Type Description
localAxis Vector3

getDirectionToRef(localAxis, result) TransformNode

Sets the Vector3 "result" as the rotated Vector3 "localAxis" in the same rotation than the mesh.

localAxis is expressed in the mesh local space.

result is computed in the Wordl space from the mesh World matrix.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
localAxis Vector3
result Vector3

setPivotPoint(point, space) TransformNode


Name Type Description
point Vector3
optional space Space

getPivotPoint() Vector3

Returns a new Vector3 set with the mesh pivot point coordinates in the local space.

getPivotPointToRef(result) TransformNode

Sets the passed Vector3 "result" with the coordinates of the mesh pivot point in the local space.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
result Vector3

getAbsolutePivotPoint() Vector3

Returns a new Vector3 set with the mesh pivot point World coordinates.

getAbsolutePivotPointToRef(result) TransformNode

Sets the Vector3 "result" coordinates with the mesh pivot point World coordinates.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
result Vector3

setParent(node) TransformNode

Defines the passed node as the parent of the current node.

The node will remain exactly where it is and its position / rotation will be updated accordingly

Returns the TransformNode.


Name Type Description
node Nullable<Node>

attachToBone(bone, affectedTransformNode) TransformNode

Attach the current TransformNode to another TransformNode associated with a bone


Name Type Description
bone Bone Bone affecting the TransformNode
affectedTransformNode TransformNode TransformNode associated with the bone

detachFromBone() TransformNode

rotate(axis, amount, space) TransformNode

Rotates the mesh around the axis vector for the passed angle (amount) expressed in radians, in the given space.

space (default LOCAL) can be either BABYLON.Space.LOCAL, either BABYLON.Space.WORLD.

Note that the property rotationQuaternion is then automatically updated and the property rotation is set to (0,0,0) and no longer used.

The passed axis is also normalized.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
axis Vector3
amount number
optional space Space

rotateAround(point, axis, amount) TransformNode

Rotates the mesh around the axis vector for the passed angle (amount) expressed in radians, in world space.

Note that the property rotationQuaternion is then automatically updated and the property rotation is set to (0,0,0) and no longer used.

The passed axis is also normalized.

Returns the AbstractMesh.

Method is based on


Name Type Description
point Vector3
axis Vector3
amount number

translate(axis, distance, space) TransformNode

Translates the mesh along the axis vector for the passed distance in the given space.

space (default LOCAL) can be either BABYLON.Space.LOCAL, either BABYLON.Space.WORLD.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
axis Vector3
distance number
optional space Space

addRotation(x, y, z) TransformNode

Adds a rotation step to the mesh current rotation.

x, y, z are Euler angles expressed in radians.

This methods updates the current mesh rotation, either mesh.rotation, either mesh.rotationQuaternion if it's set.

This means this rotation is made in the mesh local space only.

It's useful to set a custom rotation order different from the BJS standard one YXZ.

Example : this rotates the mesh first around its local X axis, then around its local Z axis, finally around its local Y axis.

mesh.addRotation(x1, 0, 0).addRotation(0, 0, z2).addRotation(0, 0, y3);

Note that addRotation() accumulates the passed rotation values to the current ones and computes the .rotation or .rotationQuaternion updated values.

Under the hood, only quaternions are used. So it's a little faster is you use .rotationQuaternion because it doesn't need to translate them back to Euler angles.

Returns the AbstractMesh.


Name Type Description
x number
y number
z number

computeWorldMatrix(force) Matrix

Computes the mesh World matrix and returns it.

If the mesh world matrix is frozen, this computation does nothing more than returning the last frozen values.

If the parameter force is let to false (default), the current cached World matrix is returned.

If the parameter forceis set to true, the actual computation is done.

Returns the mesh World Matrix.


Name Type Description
optional force boolean

registerAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(func) TransformNode

If you'd like to be called back after the mesh position, rotation or scaling has been updated.

    * Returns the [TransformNode](/classes/3.1/TransformNode).


Name Type Description
func mesh TransformNode

| : callback function to add

unregisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(func) TransformNode

Removes a registered callback function.

Returns the TransformNode.


Name Type Description
func mesh TransformNode


clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren) Nullable<TransformNode>

Clone the current transform node

Returns the new transform node


Name Type Description
name string Name of the new clone
newParent Node New parent for the clone
optional doNotCloneChildren boolean Do not clone children hierarchy

serialize(currentSerializationObject) any


Name Type Description
optional currentSerializationObject any

static Parse(parsedTransformNode, scene, rootUrl) TransformNode

Returns a new TransformNode object parsed from the source provided.

The parameter parsedMesh is the source.

The parameter rootUrl is a string, it's the root URL to prefix the delayLoadingFile property with


Name Type Description
parsedTransformNode any
scene Scene
rootUrl string

dispose(doNotRecurse) void

Disposes the TransformNode.

By default, all the children are also disposed unless the parameter doNotRecurse is set to true.

Returns nothing.


Name Type Description
optional doNotRecurse boolean