


class VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess extends PostProcess


new VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess(name, ratio, camera, mesh, samples, samplingMode, engine, reusable, scene)



Name Type Description
name string
ratio any
camera Camera
optional mesh Mesh
optional samples number
optional samplingMode number
optional engine Engine
optional reusable boolean


attachedNode : { position: Vector3 }

If not undefined, the mesh position is computed from the attached node position

@type {{position: Vector3}}

customMeshPosition : Vector3

Custom position of the mesh. Used if "useCustomMeshPosition" is set to "true"

@type {Vector3}

useCustomMeshPosition : boolean

Set if the post-process should use a custom position for the light source (true) or the internal mesh position (false)

@type {boolean}

invert : boolean

If the post-process should inverse the light scattering direction

@type {boolean}

mesh : Mesh

The internal mesh used by the post-process

@type {boolean}

useDiffuseColor : boolean

excludedMeshes : AbstractMesh[]

Array containing the excluded meshes not rendered in the internal pass

exposure : number

Controls the overall intensity of the post-process

@type {number}

decay : number

Dissipates each sample's contribution in range [0, 1]

@type {number}

weight : number

Controls the overall intensity of each sample

@type {number}

density : number

Controls the density of each sample

@type {number}


getClassName() string

isReady(subMesh, useInstances) boolean


Name Type Description
subMesh SubMesh
useInstances boolean

setCustomMeshPosition(position) void

Sets the new light position for light scattering effect


Name Type Description
position Vector3

getCustomMeshPosition() Vector3

Returns the light position for light scattering effect

@return {BABYLON.Vector3} The custom light position

dispose(camera) void

Disposes the internal assets and detaches the post-process from the camera


Name Type Description
camera Camera

getPass() RenderTargetTexture

Returns the render target texture used by the post-process

@return {BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture} The render target texture used by the post-process

static CreateDefaultMesh(name, scene) Mesh

Creates a default mesh for the Volumeric Light Scattering post-process

@return {BABYLON.Mesh} the default mesh


Name Type Description
name string
scene Scene