.. _examples: Examples ======== These examples show many different ways to use CVXPY. The :ref:`basic` section shows how to solve some common optimization problems in CVXPY. The :ref:`advanced-python` and :ref:`applications` sections contains more complex examples aimed at experts in convex optimization. .. _basic: Basic Examples -------------- - `Total variation in-painting `_ - `Control `_ - `SVM classifier with regularization `_ - `Portfolio optimization `_ - `Worst-case risk analysis `_ - `Optimal advertising `_ - `Huber regression `_ - `Quantile regression `_ - `Model fitting `_ .. _advanced-python: Advanced Examples ----------------- - `Object-oriented convex optimization `_ - `Consensus optimization `_ - `Method of multipliers `_ .. _applications: Advanced Applications --------------------- - `Allocating interdiction effort to catch a smuggler `_ - `Antenna array design `_ - `Channel capacity `_ - `Computing a sparse solution of a set of linear inequalities `_ - `Entropy maximization `_ - `Fault detection `_ - `Filter design `_ - `Fitting censored data `_ - `L1 trend filtering `_ - `Nonnegative matrix factorization `_ - `Optimal parade route `_ - `Optimal power and bandwidth allocation in a Gaussian broadcast channel `_ - `Power assignment in a wireless communication system `_ - `Predicting NBA game wins `_ - `Robust Kalman filtering for vehicle tracking `_ - `Sizing of clock meshes `_ - `Sparse covariance estimation for Gaussian variables `_ - `Water filling `_