TrainHoppingAnimation class

This animation starts by proxying one animation, but when the value of that animation crosses the value of the second (either because the second is going in the opposite direction, or because the one overtakes the other), the animation hops over to proxying the second animation.

When the TrainHoppingAnimation starts proxying the second animation instead of the first, the onSwitchedTrain callback is called.

If the two animations start at the same value, then the TrainHoppingAnimation immediately hops to the second animation, and the onSwitchedTrain callback is not called. If only one animation is provided (i.e. if the second is null), then the TrainHoppingAnimation just proxies the first animation.

Since this object must track the two animations even when it has no listeners of its own, instead of shutting down when all its listeners are removed, it exposes a dispose() method. Call this method to shut this object down.

Mixed in types


TrainHoppingAnimation(Animation<double> _currentTrain, Animation<double> _nextTrain, { VoidCallback onSwitchedTrain })
Creates a train-hopping animation. [...]


currentTrain Animation<double>
The animation that is currently driving this animation. [...]
onSwitchedTrain VoidCallback
Called when this animation switches to be driven by the second animation. [...]
read / write
status AnimationStatus
The current status of this animation.
read-only, override
value double
The current value of the animation.
read-only, override
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
isCompleted bool
Whether this animation is stopped at the end.
read-only, inherited
isDismissed bool
Whether this animation is stopped at the beginning.
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


dispose() → void
Frees all the resources used by this performance. After this is called, this object is no longer usable.
toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.
addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Calls the listener every time the value of the animation changes. [...]
addStatusListener(AnimationStatusListener listener) → void
Calls listener every time the status of the animation changes. [...]
didRegisterListener() → void
This implementation ignores listener registrations.
didUnregisterListener() → void
This implementation ignores listener registrations.
drive<U>(Animatable<U> child) Animation<U>
Chains a Tween (or CurveTween) to this Animation. [...]
@optionalTypeArgs, inherited
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
notifyListeners() → void
Calls all the listeners. [...]
notifyStatusListeners(AnimationStatus status) → void
Calls all the status listeners. [...]
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Stop calling the listener every time the value of the animation changes. [...]
removeStatusListener(AnimationStatusListener listener) → void
Stops calling the listener every time the status of the animation changes. [...]
toStringDetails() String
Provides a string describing the status of this object, but not including information about the object itself. [...]


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator. [...]