drawAtlas method
void drawAtlas(Image atlas,
List<RSTransform> transforms,
List<Rect> rects,
List<Color> colors,
BlendMode blendMode,
Rect cullRect,
Paint paint) {
assert(atlas != null); // atlas is checked on the engine side
assert(transforms != null);
assert(rects != null);
assert(colors != null);
assert(blendMode != null);
assert(paint != null);
final int rectCount = rects.length;
if (transforms.length != rectCount)
throw new ArgumentError('"transforms" and "rects" lengths must match.');
if (colors.isNotEmpty && colors.length != rectCount)
throw new ArgumentError('If non-null, "colors" length must match that of "transforms" and "rects".');
final Float32List rstTransformBuffer = new Float32List(rectCount * 4);
final Float32List rectBuffer = new Float32List(rectCount * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < rectCount; ++i) {
final int index0 = i * 4;
final int index1 = index0 + 1;
final int index2 = index0 + 2;
final int index3 = index0 + 3;
final RSTransform rstTransform = transforms[i];
final Rect rect = rects[i];
rstTransformBuffer[index0] = rstTransform.scos;
rstTransformBuffer[index1] = rstTransform.ssin;
rstTransformBuffer[index2] = rstTransform.tx;
rstTransformBuffer[index3] = rstTransform.ty;
rectBuffer[index0] = rect.left;
rectBuffer[index1] = rect.top;
rectBuffer[index2] = rect.right;
rectBuffer[index3] = rect.bottom;
final Int32List colorBuffer = colors.isEmpty ? null : _encodeColorList(colors);
final Float32List cullRectBuffer = cullRect?._value;
paint._objects, paint._data, atlas, rstTransformBuffer, rectBuffer,
colorBuffer, blendMode.index, cullRectBuffer